Chapter 82

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Author's Notes:
Hey there everyone, welcome to chapter 82. Sorry I'm late, I forgot today was Friday.

If you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 82, enjoy.

"Ok, they've got at least two hundred soldiers, fifty grunts, and four armored vehicles armed with multiple large caliber machine guns," Silver observed from the third floor of one of the buildings near Team Rocket, and reported back to everyone downstairs.

"Thanks Silver, now come on down," William replied as he and the others started working up a plan.

"This isn't looking good," Riley commented after hearing the details of the Team Rocket defenses.

"No, but we can manage. William, Red, and myself have handled things like this before," Delia replied.

"Well that's good for you, but what about the rest of us? Not everyone here has superpowers, or experience to fall back on," Paul commented.

"Don't take it as her down playing it," Red replied. "Those times we had the element of surprise and days of planning. This time they know we're coming and we only have a few minutes before we need to move."

Just then there was a flash of light coming from Team Rocket.

"What was that?" Alain asked urgently.

"Looks like they fired that mind control cannon at Mewtwo," Brendan replied.

"That's not good. I don't think we can handle him too," William commented.

"Don't worry, I don't think it worked on him. It looks like he's still fighting Shadow," Brendan added.

"Good. Now back to how are we going to take that cannon down," William focused as he created an aura map of the immediate area.

"Agreed. By the way, can one of you loan Red and I a Pokémon? It will make things a little easier for us if we're stopped by another Pokémon," Delia asked.

"Oh man, thank you for reminding me," William said as he reached for his two Pokéballs on his belt. "With all the excitement, I almost forgot about them." William removed two pokeballs from his belt and released the Pokémon inside, a Lucario and a Charizard, both old and battle scarred.

"Lucario?" "Charizard?" Delia and Red said in shock upon seeing their old Pokémon. The Pokémon smiled upon seeing their trainers again, and trainers and Pokémon took each other into a heartfelt embrace.

"But William, how did you know to bring them?" Delia asked.

"Riley," William said as he gestured to Riley. "He had a vision of this battle, and you two were here."

"Thank you," Delia replied as she wiped the tears from her eyes, and looked to Lucario with a pained expression. "I'm so sorry for abandoning you like that. I should have been stronger. I should..."

"No master. You do not need to feel sorry. You were suffering a pain I could not imagine. You did what you needed to do so you could raise Ash," Lucario told Delia in a comforting tone through his aura.

"Thank you Lucie," Delia replied then looked back to William. "How did you even get Charizard? He was at Professor Oak's lab."

"Haha, the old man practically shoved Charizard down my throat when I told him Red might still be alive and was going to need him," William replied.

"Listen, as much as I'm sure you all would love to catch up, Ash is going to make his move soon and we don't even have a plan to get past my father's army yet," Silver said in an annoyed tone.

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