Chapter 36

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Author's Notes:
Good morning readers, and welcome to the latest chapter of Alpha and Omega. Only one thing I want to say. I'm pretty sure I said this in the beginning, but if not I'll say it now, any pictures you find in this book are pictures I found on Google images. I did not take these pictures or draw them. I don't know who made them, I just find these on Google Images. If I ever have a picture and know who made it, I will give them credit. That is all.

If you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 36, enjoy.

Ash, Serena, Gladion, and Lillie left the Pokémon Center together this morning, and were traveling in the direction of Valencia. Gladion and Lillie didn't really have a destination, as they were in Torrent primarily to test the new Pokédex. However, Lillie agreed to take on this task in an effort to grow into stronger person and see more of the world. While Gladion just wanted to ensure she was safe, and take the opportunity to battle against strong trainers. The Alolan siblings just wanted to travel with Ash and Serena for a little while before going off on their own.

Lillie enjoyed meeting Ash and Serena's Pokémon, while the Eevees enjoyed meeting Gladion's Umbreon, and seeing another possible form that they could evolve into. As they walked, Lillie and Serena developed a friendship over conversations of each other's regions, which included Pokémon performances. Even though Lillie had no interest in participating in any performances, she did think the combinations were amazingly beautiful.

Gladion and Ash didn't talk much, but Gladion did ask if Ash had the intention to return to Alola for the first Alolan Pokemon League, to which he did. Gladion, Ash, Kiawe, and Hau, all had completed four island challenges and had at least eight Z crystals, which were the needed requirements to enter the Alola League, so they all planned to enter. Gladion wanted Ash to participate since he felt he was going to be the most challenging opponent.

The group walked along the path, and as they did, many vehicles were seen driving by. It wasn't unusual to be passed by vehicles along these routes, but what made it unusual was the large number of vehicles. They continued to walk, curious as to what was going on, when finally a small pickup truck pulled over and a man in his thirties stuck his head out.

"You kids need a lift?" The man asked.

"We weren't planning on it, but where is everyone going?" Ash asked.

"Your kidding? You don't know?" The man asked shocked.

The group just shook their heads 'no'.

"The big fossil rush. There's a whole dig sight about five miles down the road. They've been finding tons of different fossils," The man explained.

The group looked at each other, all knowing the question and nodded.

"If you could give us a lift, that would be great," Ash said.

"No problem. There's no room in the front with me and my Houndoom, but if you don't mind riding in the back, there's plenty of room," The man stated.

"We don't mind, thank you," Lillie stated excitedly.

Lillie had read about fossils and fossil Pokémon in books, and was excited to actually dig for some, and perhaps even getting a fossil Pokémon.

The group climbed into the back and sat down, then the truck took off again. There was plenty of room in the back, with only two shovels and a pickaxe. The only issue in the back was the bumping, especially when they got off the more worn down trail to get on a newer one, which was even bumpier. Thankfully, soon after that they came to a stop.

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