Chapter 85

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Ok so a few weeks ago I said to expect an update in March and look, it's March 31st, so I didn't lie. Starting with today I will be presenting you with rewrites of the end of chapter 85, and a complete rewrite of chapter 86. Hopefully with this I'll at least feel a sense of urgency and continue writing chapters, I expected to have a lot more chapters completed by now.

With that said, sing the praises of my return and enjoy todays chapters.

The three aura guardians, William, Riley, and Delia, along with their Pokémon, looked on in amazement from around the corner of a building as they saw the Team Rocket weapons being ripped away and bent, all by the will of Serena.

"Alright, that's our cue. Let's clear our way to that cannon. Who knows how much longer Ash will be able to hold out against Arceus," William stated, then mega evolved his Dragonite, with Riley following suit with his Lucario. They were about to take off running, but were stopped by Delia's Lucario.

"Wait! Master, are you not going to mega evolve me?" Delia's Lucario asked as he showed his mega stone in his wrist.

"Lucey," Delia looked away with a saddened expression. "We've been apart for so long. I don't think our bond is strong enough anymore."

"Am I still your Pokémon? Have we not faced certain death together? Challenged legendary Pokémon and lived to tell the tale? Our bond is unwavering and unbreakable. I know this will work," Lucey said without overwhelming confidence.

"Ok," Delia replied, her eyes misting from Lucey's faith in their bond. Delia then steeled herself as her eyes locked on Lucey's. "Let's do this." Delia pulled out a necklace locket from around her neck, and pushed a button on top. The locket then opened into three sections. The section on the left had a picture of Delia with Red hugging her from behind, the section on the right held a picture of Delia holding Ash as a baby, and in the middle was a key stone. Delia placed her hand over the key stone, causing it to shine with a golden light. "Mega Evolve!" Delia called out as bands of mega energy left the key stone and connected with the mega stone, engulfing Lucario in a bright light as he mega evolved. In a matter of seconds the light subsided, and Mega Lucario stood tall and proud.

"You see master, our bond is unbreakable," Lucey stated proudly.

Just then a loud crunching noise was heard, and everyone looked to see the armored vehicles becoming flattened.

"Now that's a cue," Delia stated. "And that's my future daughter-in-law doing that by the way," Delia added with a smirk before she and Lucey took off running at the Team Rocket horde. Riley and his Lucario took off running right behind them, as William mounted his Dragonite and took to the air and followed.

Due to the chaos caused by Serena and her Pokémon, the Team Rocket soldiers didn't even see them until Delia and Lucey nearly reached the barriers. Despite not having their guns, the soldiers braced themselves as they drew combat knives and electric batons in preparation for Delia's collision with them. However a few feet away from them Delia and and Lucey took an aura infused jump into the air, clearing the initial troops. As they made their dissent they both glowed blue, and they touched down. They sent a pulse of aura in every direction, throwing the immediate troops back and off their feet before Delia and Lucey charged forward and began fighting their way through them. Meanwhile, as the troops at the barricade where Delia jumped in were focused on her, they failed to see Riley and William, along with their Pokémon.

Riley and Lucario collided with the soldiers, Riley with his batons and Lucario with his bone clubs, and began plowing through the unsuspecting soldiers with single hits. As Riley began his assault, William and Dragonite began theirs. Dragonite began their assault by using Dragon Rush, and crashing in the middle of a large gathering of soldiers between Riley and Delia. From there William used his aura staff to keep the soldiers at a distance while Dragonite used Wing Attack Aqua Tail, and a variety of other attacks to fight back against the human opponents.

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