Chapter 72

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Author's Notes:
Oh shit, hello everyone and welcome to another chapter of Alpha and Omega. Sorry I'm late, I was eating my lunch and realized I completely forgot to update. Due to my tardiness any thoughts I had wanted to post here will have to wait, except that I want to say that this is now my longest story I've ever written, with Secret Prince ending at 71 chapters.

Now please step into my blue police box as we go back in time to point before Ash, and see what happened between Delia and Giovanni.

If you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 72, enjoy.

Nineteen years ago

A Dragonite was flying over Pallet Town, with a younger William riding on her back. They had just left a restaurant in the downtown area, and was bringing a bag of food with him. Nearly two months ago Giovanni made his bloody rise to power as he killed nearly everyone who opposed him as leader of Team Rocket. Those that survived either fled and went into hiding, or went silent to act as a spy for those working to overthrow him.

Red and Delia chose to go into hiding and waited for an opportunity to strike back for him killing Delia's parents, and then after three weeks they found their opportunity. With the help of William and a few spies they infiltrated the base and fought their way to Giovanni. Sadly though only Red faced off against him and he lost his life in the process, with the last sight of him was of his lifeless body falling through a trap door with a still living Giovanni as he escaped. At that point Delia lost herself to a blind rage and began trying to force the trapdoor back opened, but it was no use as it was too strong. However Delia wouldn't stop, forcing William to knock her out so they could escape before Giovanni's loyal Team Rocket members overran their location and they were either captured or killed.

After a few minutes William and Dragonite were coming up onto a fairly large house atop a hill, with a windmill attached to the back. They landed behind the house and William dismounted Dragonite as he saw a man with graying brown hair walking towards him with a forced smile as he hid the sadness he was holding.

"Good Afternoon Professor Oak, I come barring lunch. There's one with your name on it, and the two big ones are for Delia and Lucario," William greeted as he held out a plastic bag.

"Thank you William, I'm happy you're here," Professor Oak replied as he took the bag.

"Delia?" William guess as to why the Professor was happy he was there.

Professor Oak nodded. "I know I don't know much about you Aura Guardians, but I do know Pokémon and I understand general human physiology. So I can feel confident saying that she's going to seriously hurt herself if she doesn't stop. Pokémon are significantly more powerful than humans, so sparing with one can easily be extremely dangerous."

"How long?" William asked after he sighed and shook his head.

"How many days have you been gone?" Professor Oak asked.

"For Mews sake," William said as he shook his head and rubbed his temple. "We can spare with Pokémon some, they just have a higher level of endurance. But in her mental state I doubt that it's a good idea. She's no doubt pushing herself beyond her limits?"

"I'd say so. I've been checking on her several times a day, and when I find her on the ground there's always a new cut or broken bone. I'm treating her the best I can, and thankfully Lucario is taking care of the bones, but at this rate she's going to kill herself," Professor Oak replied with a concerned expression.

"Well I think I'll be able to help," William stated.

"What, you found him?!" Professor Oak replied in shock.

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