Chapter 40

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Author's Notes:
Hello everyone, and welcome to chapter 40 of Alpha and Omega. You guys and girls are probably some of the best readers ever. Last update I told you all about my struggles, and you all stepped up giving me your support. Whether it was just supportive words of encouragement or offers of help, you all were there. Just seeing that people give a damn really helped me feel a little better, so thank you.

Now today we will be seeing another performance for Serena, and was written by killerdude123 .

With that all said, here we go. If you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 40, enjoy.

It was morning in Valencia, and in the Pokémon center, Serena was just starting to stir. She woke up happily, as this marked one full week without having nightmares of Tierno. She tried to turn over, but couldn't. She was confused at first as to why, but then remembered.

Since shortly after the attack, Serena started sleeping in her sleeping bag by herself. Reason being that Ash tended to hold her close and tight, which made her start to panic when she woke up, if she wasn't already panicking from a nightmare.

But two nights ago, Serena decided she had enough sleeping apart from Ash, and wasn't going to let Tierno ruin her life anymore. Ash was a little surprised at first when he got into their tent and found their sleeping bags set up so they could sleep together again, but still very happy. Even more so when Serena wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest, but quickly recovered and held her close.

This morning, Serena found Ash right behind her in the spooning position, with his arms wrapped around her waist and his face buried in her hair. She then tried to move even closer to Ash. When she did, she felt his morning wood poking her in the butt. Her heart rate started to quicken, she was on the verge of panic. Serena began to remind herself that it was Ash, as she took deep breaths. Slowly, her heart rate began to return to normal, giving her hope that she was getting better. Serena then noticed a pair of blue glowing eyes staring at her.

"I'm fine, Lucario. No need to worry," Serena whispered.

The eyes moved down, then up again, as Lucario nodded, before they faded back into the darkness of the room.


About an hour later, Ash and Serena were taking up two of the Pokémon Center battlefields. Serena was doing some last minute polishing of her routine, while Ash was training his Pokémon.

Since the encounter with Damion, Ash stepped up everyone's training routine significantly. The new training pushed all of the newer Pokémon past their limits. Even Lucario had difficulty keeping up. Some of the Pokémon fell out before the time was done, but Ash was proud of them none the less, as they still improved. He would help them to the side and give them water and food, then go back to the others to continue their training. None of the Pokémon felt negative towards Ash for the sudden increase in the difficulty, as everyone heard about Damion and what he did to Fearow and Greninja. This worked as fuel for all of them to push harder than ever. Even Infernape took some pity towards Greninja, and helped him train even while at the lab, although it was limited due to his broken leg. Infernape also agreed not to try and flirt with Braixen while Greninja couldn't defend her.

Currently, Ash was training the group of his older fire types he was going to use for the tournament that was to start tomorrow. Ash was sweating, and was covered in soot from Charizard's usual greeting. Since the tournament consisted of at least five rounds, he decided to use four of his older fire type Pokémon, and one of his newer ones. Of the older ones Ash decided on were Quilava and Pignite for the second and third rounds, and Charizard and Infernape to cover the last two. His first Pokémon he wasn't sure about yet, but was leaning towards Growlithe since she had the most training of his other newer fire types. Ash knew Charizard or Infernape could probably win the whole tournament alone, but he wanted to give his other Pokémon some battle time too.

Pokemon: Alpha and OmegaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora