Chapter 79

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Author's Notes:
Good evening everyone and welcome to the long awaited chapter 79 of Alpha and Omega. Would you believe that it's been over one month since chapter 78? I didn't believe it either, but I just confirmed it. I'd like to thank you all for your patience, I only had a couple dozen threats to my life because of this, just kidding.

Today we have a battle written by @Hellkiller06 and our performance by madashgoku , so please join me in thanking these two for their hard work. As many of you know this update was delayed due to the performance. He had to deal with so many difficulties getting the performance completed, and still I feel he out did himself with our final performance. So please don't blame him for the delay, but instead praise him for writing us an amazing performance.

With all that said, if you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 79, enjoy.

The early morning light began to enter through the small opening between the curtains in Ash and Serena's room. On the floor, starting from the door was a trail of clothes leading to the bed. And in the bed was Ash and Serena, cuddling in the spooning position as they were only being covered by a sheet.

Upon the end of the party with the Torrent region performers, the Kalos Performers and escorts went back to the ballroom for the after party, which mostly consisted of drinking alcohol. Nothing got out of hand at first, as they all laughed as they shared stories from during their travels through the new region. However after a few drinks, the performer with the two Eeveelutions started taking body shots off of her escort, which eventually lead to drinking games, and the girl with the Mightyena drinking way too much and making out with her brother. Once that happened the party was over and everyone quickly left the awkward situation for their rooms. In the case of Ash and Serena, the alcohol caused them to throw their inhibitions to the wind and began furiously making out before they even got to their room, and began stripping before the door even opened. The room was large enough that they had managed to strip completely by the time they reached the bed. Luckily Serena still had enough sense to grab the box of condoms from inside the nightstand and make Ash put one on before they really got started, and replace it before they started back at it again the other three times.

As they now laid there in bed, it would look as if they were sleeping, if not for the smile on Ash's face as he touched some of Serena's more sensitive spots causing her to bite her bottom lip to keep from moaning.

Ash and Serena's little fun however was brought to a sudden halt with a knocking on the door. "Señor Ketchum, Señorita Yvonne, are you up? I was told to give you a wake up call by Señora Palermo," a female voice announced apologetically through the door.

"We're up," Ash replied with a groan as Serena grabbed his hand to stop him from touching her.

"Buena. I was told to tell you both that breakfast will be served shortly, and that a package arrived for Señor Ketchum," the woman replied before leaving.

"Were you expecting a pack-ahhhh," Serena began to ask as Ash began touching her again.

"Yes, and I'll show it to you later," Ash whispered in Serena's ear as he continued to intimately touched her, causing her to once again bite her bottom lip to keep from moaning.

"W-w-what about b-b-breakfast?" Serena stuttered as she moved her hand on top of Ash's, but not to try and stop him.

"Do you want me to stop?" Ash asked as he stopped moving his hands. Serena just shook her head as she took his hand and had it touch her body more. Ash chuckled a little as he began kissing her neck. "Don't worry, we'll make it in time. If you want I can speed this up?" Ash asked. Serena nodded rapidly, knowing what Ash wanted to do to her.

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