Chapter 4

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Author's Notes:
Good morning everyone, and welcome to the first scheduled chapter of Alpha and Omega. Just a reminder, my plan is for two updates a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. Well I don't really have anything more to say, so let's get this show on the road.

If you like my work please vote, leave me some comments, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you with chapter 4, enjoy.

Tracy had a good laugh at Gary's expense, but Ash and Serena didn't find it that funny. They would agree that his response was a little funny, but not as much as Tracy thought it was.

"Well now that I've made a fool of myself, I want to congratulate you Ash on finally seeing that there is more to this world other than Pokémon. And Serena, if he doesn't treat you right, let me know and I'll set him straight," Gary said to the couple.

"Thanks Gary, but I don't feel like you made a fool of yourself, although I am a little hurt that you didn't even consider I could have been Serena's boyfriend," Ash replied.

"Ash, you have traveled with four other girls, each one a complete babe, and you never seemed to even entertain the idea of dating either of them. I never thought you would ever get a girlfriend and would just die a virgin," Gary replied.

"What's a virgin?" Ash asked genuinely.

Gary had a deadpanned look, Tracy burst into laughter again, and Serena looked at Ash surprised.

"Do you want me to educate him or do you want to take on that task," Gary asked Serena.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him," Serena replied.

"I'm sure you will," Gary replied with a sly smile to Serena, resulting in her blushing madly.

"But in all seriousness, Serena I do owe you an apology," Gary said.

"For what?" Serena questioned.

"You said we met before, but I honestly have no idea who you are or where we could have met," Gary explained.

"Oh, well that's ok. It was the same time I met Ash also, and he didn't remember me at first either. Do you remember about ten years ago at your grandfather's summer camp. Ash found a girl who got lost in the woods?" Serena said.

Gary looked as he was deep in thought, then it looked as if a light bulb went off in his head.

"Wait a minute, the girl with the straw hat!" Gary said in realization.

"That's right. Ash and I met again while he was traveling through Kalos, and I traveled with him. We parted ways when I went to Hoenn and he went to Alola. I just arrived a few days ago and last night we became a couple," Serena replied.

"You got to be kidding me. Ash, you are the luckiest and dumbest person I know. You were dumb enough to let a girl who was clearly crazy about you slip through your fingers. Then here she is over a year later, still in love with you. You two need to just go get married now, because you two are clearly destined to be together," Gary replied.

"My thoughts exactly," said Professor Oak as he walked up behind the group.

"As a matter of fact I was just giving Ash a few pearls of relationship wisdom," Professor Oak added proudly.

"Gramps, you haven't dated in nearly a hundred years. I think your advise is a bit outdated," Gary jokes.

"Very funny. That advise is timeless. Lessons learned over many years of marriage. Even your father was able to use that advise. If he didn't there's no way you would be here," Professor Oak replied.

Pokemon: Alpha and OmegaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora