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If any of you have read from my one shot book, the first actual chapter of this story will seem very familiar to you. That is because that is the first chapter of my one shot book.

This idea originally was only planned to be a one shot. However after writing another one shot as a request from ViridiFangirl, I wrote my second one shot and based it off of the idea of the first one shot. After that, the ideas just started coming and coming and coming. It has come to a point where I have so many ideas, I can't help but write an actual story.

As I state in the first chapter, this new region will have no new Pokemon. Reason being, I lack the type of creativity necessary to create new Pokemon. With that said, I reach out to you, my readers. Ash and Serena need to catch some Pokemon and you're going to help. I want your suggestions on what Pokemon each of them should catch. I don't plan on them catching a lot, Ash will probably catch four or five, and Serena two or three.

A few things I've already decided with the Pokemon are, Ash will catch a Riolu, because we all know he needs to eventually have a Lucario.

Serena will have a Beautifly that she caught while she was in Hoenn. Because a butterfly like Pokemon would just go perfectly with her team. And that will be the only Pokemon, as far as I'm concerned that she caught and Hoenn.

Something else I've got planned, both Ash and Serena will get a prehistoric Pokemon using a fossil and Resurrection machine. I would like you to help decide on what they will each get. Keep in mind, Serena is a performer so giving her an Aerodactyl, might not be the best choice.

I will let the majority rule on the Pokemon, with the exception of legendaries and anything that seems, in my opinion, just plain ridiculous, example Serena getting an Aerodactyl.

I am also accepting ideas for original characters. If you decide to submit an original character, please include several Pokemon, physical description of the individual, their personality, their occupation example trainer or performer, as well as someplace they can originate from, preferably from that region.

And if you have any ideas for something you would like to see, please do share. This is a completely new region, and I'm still trying to figure out where I'm going to base it off of. So any ideas for their adventures will be welcome.

Anyone who is currently reading The Secret Prince, may be worried that I will be putting that book on hold or abandoning it. I will be doing no such thing, nor will I be writing this book at the same time. I'm only trying to plan ahead for the next story I will be beginning, so this will take a few months before I actually get started with this story.

Thank you for your time, and ideas.

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