Chapter 37

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Author's Notes:
Hello my amazing readers, and welcome to the latest update of Alpha and Omega. I have to admit, this is not my greatest chapter, and is one of the shortest. It has one sole purpose for Ash and Serena, which I hope will be made clear very soon. Now I did add some nice filler material in here to make it more enjoyable, so I hope you like it.

With that said, let's begin. If you like my story please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 37. Enjoy.

"Flamethrower!" Serena called out.

It's been a week since Ash and Serena parted ways with Gary, Lillie, and Gladion, and currently they were training their Pokémon. Serena was training her performance team hard, as this was the first day since the incident with Tierno that she felt somewhat normal. She had tried to practice, but every time, the whole thing felt wrong. Serena luckily realized the issue wasn't with the performance, but with her and how she was feeling. As result, she stopped practicing, and only worked on general training with her Pokémon to keep their skills up.

Ash was training his Pokémon as well, and was taking full advantage of the addition of the new portable Pokémon transfer machine. Because of this, he could swap his Pokémon several times in a training session, allowing all of his new Pokémon, and some of his old ones, to get some good training in. Ignychus was easily welcomed by most of Ash's Pokémon almost immediately, using his high motivation for training and voracious appetite to win most of them over. Serena's Pokémon were the most reluctant, as Amaura clung to her natural instincts to be afraid of him. However as the days passed, he showed to also be very playful when playing with the other Pokémon. They all began to relax and welcome the new addition.

Braixen was dancing with the other performers, when suddenly a red Oricorio jumped in and started trying to show up Braixen.

Braixen was dancing with the other performers, when suddenly a red Oricorio jumped in and started trying to show up Braixen

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"BRAIXEN BRAIX!" Braixen yelled at the red bird.

"What is that?" Serena asked as she scanned the Pokémon.

"Ash, can you scan this Pokémon? My Pokédex isn't working right. It's showing me four different Pokémon," Serena asked.

"They all look like flying types, right?" Ash asked.

"Yes, how did you know?" Serena replied.

"That's an Oricorio. They have them in Alola. Its form depends on the type of flower nectar it eats. That's a Baile Style Oricorio," Ash explained from memory.

Serena quickly started reading through her Pokédex.

"So this one's a fire and flying type because it had some red nectar," Serena stated.

"That's right, and if you give it another nectar, it'll become a different form," Ash explained.

Serena watched as it danced, and ideas started to form in her head.

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