Chapter 26

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Welcome everyone, to the latest chapter of Alpha and Omega. I'm going to be quick here. Today I am introducing another OC, this time it is the creation of armanur138 . I hope he/she likes what it did with their character.

Now to the good part. If you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 26, enjoy.

"Excuse me, but would one of you please have a Pokémon battle with me?" a young girl asked a group of three trainers timidly, a Sylveon standing beside her.

They girl was eleven years old, had long golden blonde hair, sapphire blue eyes, and a light skin tone. She wore a red skirt and a white blouse with a dark blue jacket, glasses, and a white beret in her hair.

The trainers were all boys in their upper teens. One had long red hair held back tightly in a ponyta tail, and wore a black tee shirt and blue jeans. Another had black hair with blue highlights that covered his right eye, a black hoodie with a red scarf and blue jeans. And the last had silver hair, and wore a green long sleeve shirt and blue jeans. They all know looked at the young girl.

"Depends. What Pokémon do you have?" The guy with red hair asked.

"Sylveon, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Pichu, and Charmander," the girl replied.

All three guys looked like they were fighting to keep in there laughter.

"No way kid, go away," the red hair guy replied.

"Why not?" The girl asked, a little louder than she had been speaking.

"Because, most of your Pokémon are under evolved. With your only evolved Pokémon being a cute Pokémon, and cute Pokémon are never strong. You wouldn't stand a chance against even our weakest Pokémon, it would be a massacre," the red haired guy replied.

"Evolution isn't everything, and my Sylveon might be cute, but she is strong," the girl said much louder.

"Evolution equals power, and get this through your head little girl, CUTE POKÉMON ARE NEVER STRONG!" The red haired guy said, yelling the last part.

His yelling got the attention of many people in the Pokémon Center. One in particular was a tall, large man in his early twenties. He had short curly brown hair, stood about six and a half feet tall, and wasn't fat. His overall body was bulky and looked like he was built like a line backer. He was wearing a green workout tee shirt and running shorts. As he walked over to the yelling, people saw him and were intimidated so they got out of his way.

"What's going on over here?" the man said in a deep voice, adding to his intimidation factor.

"Umm, I was just telling this girl that cute Pokémon can't be strong," the red haired guy said, sounding very intimidated by the man.

The man looked down at the young girl who wasn't even waist high on him. He walked over to her and got down on one knee and took a closer look at her Sylveon.

"What's your name little girl?" He asked.

"Y..Yuuka Syinx," The girl now identified as Yuuka replied nervously.

He then smiled and patted her on the head gently, his hand looking like it could hold her whole head if he closed it.

"Well Yuuka, you've done a great job raising that Sylveon. She looks quite strong," he replied.

Yuuka beamed from the praise.

"You mean strong for a cute Pokémon, right?" The red haired guy replied.

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