Chapter 93

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"Don't eat large meals, actually forget set meals all together. Just graze throughout the day. And just because you're pregnant that's not an excuse to eat whatever you want," Verity said, giving Aria pregnancy tips that she wished someone told her. "Don't just eat a whole cake or a bunch of greasy food and just brush it off saying "I'm allowed since I'm pregnant." You still need to think about your health and body both now and after the baby comes."

"I always thought a woman could eat whatever they wanted while pregnant," Brendan commented.

"Same," Red chimed in.

"It's not like the baby gets all the extra nutrients. If you eat garbage food you'll still get fat," Delia added.

"I never thought about any of this," Aria replied as she took notes on her phone.

"Back when I was pregnant we didn't have the luxury of the internet. If the doctor or someone else didn't tell you you tended to learn the hard way. And all those books were trash treating pregnancy as something strictly by the book," Delia ranted as she remembered the frustrations she went through. "My mother-in-law was a blessed woman, she tried to help as much as she could, but apparently her pregnancy with Red was a breeze for her."

"I remember meeting her, apparently Red was the perfect child for her in every way," William added.

Red just shrugged. "I didn't feel like I was doing anything special."

"Hey everyone," Ash greeted as he and Serena returned.

"What did we miss?" Serena asked.

"Delia and Verity were going over the joys of pregnancy with Aria," Miette replied.

"You should start taking notes. The way you two go you'll probably need this information too," Calem teased.

Delia and Red looked over at Serena and Ash, whose faces were bright red with embarrassment.

"Calem, I will kill you for that," Serena threatened, as her and Ash's sex life was pretty much just exposed to Ash's parents.

"Serena, you have been using protection right?" Delia asked with her eyes wide in concern.

"Yes...usually," Serena replied looking away, saying the last part under her breath.

"Am I going to be a grandfather soon?" Red asked.

"No!" Ash and Serena said in unison, though this made Serena question the sincerity of her answer.

"Anyway," Paul said, trying to help change the topic. "Ash, how did the call go?"

All attention stayed on Ash and Serena, but now for a different reason.

"Palermo is setting me up with an agent, and will be helping me out until he or she arrives," Ash replied.

"Some of us were talking earlier, we're thinking of hiking back to Madrid. Care to join us?" Alain asked.

"Can Aria even walk that much?" Serena asked.

"Yup!" She replied proudly as she held up her phone with the notes app open. "I just need plenty of water so I don't become overheated, and I can't work myself harder than I usually do. In fact, exercise is good for me as long as I don't overdo it."

"I wish we could, that sounds fun," Ash replied sadly. "But Palermo is sending a car to pick us up tomorrow morning. She wants us back in Madrid as soon as possible."

"Yeah, you can't leave the media alone for too long, otherwise they start making shit up, and I got issues of my own to handle such as setting up the torrent league and defending the league from Team Toxic as they've been a poison to the region." Azazel commented then took the last sip of his beer. "Well, I'm going to call it a night. I need to get to work early tomorrow morning."

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