Chapter 45

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Author's Notes:
Another chapter of Alpha and Omega here for your reading pleasure has arrived. Not much to say here, this chapter will be not as intense as I had planned. Reason being it was getting too long so I had to break it up into multiple chapters. But I still feel confident you'll enjoy it.

With that said, if you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 45, enjoy.

After regaining consciousness, Ash didn't speak at all about what was said with William. This left everyone worried as to what Ash learned, even Paul. They accepted what William said, that Ash needed some time to process everything, and weren't going to pry, knowing that Ash would share when he was ready, if he wanted to.

To take Ash's mind off things and lighten the mood, they enjoyed the last day of the festivities. It made everyone happy to see Ash still had his usual appetite, as he was eating from almost every stand. Come night fall, they watched the burning of the ninots, as well as the spectacular fireworks show that ended the night.

Back at the Pokémon Center, Ash was acting like his usual self, but Serena could tell it was just an act, and that whatever he was told was truly bothering him. The two couples socialized and snacked as Ash and Paul told the girls stories of their encounters in Sinnoh. Eventually it got late, and the couples went back to their rooms to get some sleep. Despite not winning the tournament, Paul thoroughly enjoyed his consolation prize Miette gave him, which everyone in the neighboring rooms heard. Shortly after Ash climbed in bed, Serena was soon to follow wearing only her bra and panties. Although she took her time to get into bed, bending over as she dug through her bag as she pointed her butt towards Ash. Even though she still felt a little nervous about sex, Serena did decide to give Ash a little victory surprise, in the form of doing something special for him that she had never done to him before.


The next morning, Ash handed Nurse Joy a package that contained his trophy, to be shipped back home. Afterwards, Ash walked over to a seat and sat down as he pulled out his cellphone. He scrolled down through his contacts list and came to his mother, but instead of hitting the call button he selected text message.

'Just letting you know, I won another tournament. I just dropped the trophy off in the mail,' Ash messaged.

Before he could put his phone away, it dinged signaling a new message. Ash pulled out his phone to see him mother had already responded.

'Congratulations Ash. I'm so proud of you. Which tournament was it?' Delia asked.

'The Moltres Cup,' Ash replied.

'You know your father won that tournament too. They gave a fire stone as part of the trophy. He used it to evolve his Eevee into a Flareon,' Delia responded.

'They still do that. I used it to evolve my Growlithe into an Arcanine,' Ash replied.

'Great choice? Do you have time to talk?' Delia asked.

'Not now. It's pretty busy here. I'm about to get some last minute training in before my gym battle today,' Ash replied.

'Oh, well maybe another time. Good luck and tell Serena I said hi. Love you,' Delia finished.

'Love you too,' Ash concluded.

Afterwards, Ash leaned back. Ash had already trained his Pokémon for the day, and was now waiting on Serena so they could go to his gym battle.

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