Chapter 21

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Considering Torrent is Spain, and its Christmas, I figure, why not say it like they do in Spain. And since it is Christmas, at least where I am, I figure why not give you all a Christmas present, of an extra chapter.

So if you like my story please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 21, enjoy. Feliz Navidad.

Ash and Serena have been traveling for almost a week to the city of Sevilla for Serena's next performance, and Ash's next gym battle. As they traveled they couldn't help but admit, they truly appreciated how Palermo worked out Serena's performance schedule as it made thing very easy for them both to work towards their goals together without conflict.

They were currently entering into a small city called Villanueva del Rio-y-Minas, for additional supplies and just rest in a Pokémon Center for a change. So far the biggest issue they had with the Torrent region was its lack of Pokémon Centers. As the looked at the map they had realized that there weren't many Pokémon Centers outside of the cities. Only when the gaps between cities appeared to take more than a week to travel did they have them, and only at the halfway point.

As they walked into the city they noticed a stage near the city center, not too far from the Pokémon Center.

"I wonder what's going on over there?" Ash asked.

"Well let's ask Nurse Joy after we give her our Pokémon to be checked on, I'm sure she knows," Serena replied.

They proceeded into the Pokémon Center and right to Nurse Joy's desk.

"Hello and welcome to the Pokémon Center. How can I help you today," Nurse Joy greeted.

"Hello, we Need our Pokémon checked out and a room for the night," Serena replied.

Nurse Joy placed two trays on the counter and Ash and Serena placed their pokeballs in trays, as Pikachu jumped off of Ash's shoulder, and they also placed the two eggs inside the incubators also on the counter. Nurse Joy handed Ash two keys to their room, then helped Audino put the pokeballs and eggs onto a cart, Pikachu just jumped on all by himself.

"Alright your all set, I'll call for you when they are ready. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Asked Nurse Joy.

"Yes, we were wondering what's going on with the stage and crowd out there?" Asked Ash.

"Oh, that's the annual Tapas competition. The details are on that poster over there," replied Nurse Joy pointing to one of the walls.

Ash and Serena walked over to the poster and began to read it. The poster, as Nurse Joy stated, was for a Tapas competition that was being held that day. It was hosted by a famous chef who owned a restaurant in Sevilla. The winner was to have a Tapas of their own making to be featured in his restaurant during Feria de Abril, a fiesta held in Sevilla in a week. There as also another prize for the winner, a Pokémon egg. A picture of a blue and white Pokémon egg was shown on the poster sitting a silver plater being held by the chef.

 A picture of a blue and white Pokémon egg was shown on the poster sitting a silver plater being held by the chef

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