Chapter 59

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Author's Notes:
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to your regularly scheduled update of Alpha and Omega. Now as some of you may remember if you read the secret prince, when the Carlos league came around I basically inserted a song in there to be the "Theme song for the league". However back then I didn't actually put a song in, I just said the band performed. This time I'm going to actually put a song in it, in the form of an AMV. This is where you all come in, tell me what song you would want to be the Torrent League theme song. I would like it if you were to post a link to a Pokémon related AMV with your song, or if your creative enough, the promise that you will make an AMV for a particular song if your chosen. I will then put it to a vote and you my readers will decide on which song it will be. So start thinking about what song and AMV you feel should represent the Torrent League. If the song chosen has multiple people submitting it and they are different AMVs, we will vote again on which one.

Moving on to the last topic. If you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 59, enjoy.

P.S. #SerenatoGalar

Ash entered the Pokémon Center with a fake calm look plastered on his face. He had hoped the walk back would leave him feeling better, but it only made his anger easier to hide. Just a little while ago, William told Ash Team Rocket was planning something big for the Torrent region. He already learned this fact from Silver a little over a week ago, and William didn't really reveal anything he didn't already know, except for the prophecy. What really was making Ash furious was the fact William didn't know that Ash already knew this, and was going to keep it a secret from him. Ash was thankful that Lucario was more loyal to him than William and his self righteous thought process.

It was late as Ash entered his and Serena's room as quietly as he could. He carefully removed his shoes as he laid his jacket over a chair, doing everything possible to not wake Serena. Due to Serena only having her psychic powers available for use for a little over two months now, Ash has yet to learn two very important facts about psychics. First, you can never lie or hide anything from them, and two, it's impossible to sneak up on them, even when they are asleep.

"Ash?" Serena called out groggily as she sat up. Ash looked over at her, surprised to hear her voice, to see her sitting up wearing only a bra as she rubbed her eyes.

"Sorry to wake you, I'll be in bed soon," Ash replied as he continued to undress.

"Ash are you ok? You seem angry. Did something go wrong with your training?" Serena asked.

Ash sighed, he didn't want to trouble Serena with his issues, and definitely didn't want to tell her there was a chance he was going to die. However because he respected and loved her, and because he knew he could never keep this from her since she was psychic, he knew he would have to come clean, just maybe not now. "Something did happen, but can we talk about it in the morning? It's going to take a little while to go over, and if I start venting now we'll still be up at sunrise," Ash replied.

"That's fine, just come to bed," Serena replied.

Ash finished stripping down to his boxers and climbed into bed with Serena. As he moved closer to Serena to cuddle, she took him by the head and brought him to her chest, right on top of her breasts. However there was nothing sexual about this, this was about mental comfort. Serena knew Ash needed to relax, to feel someone was there for him. Serena didn't know what exactly happened yet, but she knew Ash was going to tell her in the morning, so she could wait. Ash wrapped his arms around his love and held her close as he felt his anger melt away, and the two fell fast asleep.


As Ash and Serena were sleeping, there were others with more nefarious plans that weren't. From the roof of a building across the street of the Pokémon Center, two men dressed in light grey uniforms with dark gray vests were watching and listening. One was holding a camera with thermal imaging while the other was holding a device resembling a satellite dish, to listen in on conversations it was pointed at, and both were pointed at Ash and Serena's room.

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