Chapter 33

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Author's Notes:
Ok, welcome to the latest chapter of Alpha and Omega. Today we get to see what happens with Tierno and Serena. I know many of you have your buses ready, all I have to say is don't kill him, he has more appearances planned for later.

With that said, if you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 33, enjoy.

"There, that should be enough to last till tonight," Serena thought out loud as she finished filling her canteen.

Serena and Pancham started to head back to the others, but were stopped by Tierno.

"Hey Serena," Tierno said as he was walking towards her.

"Hey Tierno, realize you needed water too?" Serena replied as she kept walking.

"No, I actually wanted to talk to you in private," Tierno stated.

"Umm, ok," Serena said nervously.

Serena hadn't felt comfortable around Tierno at all since he arrived with the others before lunch, but did her best to hide it. Back in Kalos it was only sometimes, like when he would try and flirt with her. At those times, she wished Ash got annoyed at him and told him to back off, but she knew Ash was too dense back then to notice. Ultimately, Serena only agreed as a cutesy, as long as all he did was talk.

"I just want to know what's so great about Ash? He's battle obsessed, Pokémon crazy, reckless, and I can't imagine he could love you like I do," Tierno asked with hearts in his eyes at the end.

Serena and Pancham rolled their eyes.

"He's not battle obsessed, he's passionate about his dream of becoming a Pokémon Master. He's not Pokémon crazy, he just loves Pokémon. Yes he's reckless, but only when it comes to helping people and Pokémon, and doing the right thing. All these things make him the wonderful man that I love," Serena said with a smile, then her face became serious as she continued. "As for you loving me, what do you love?"

"Your beauty, that sexy fashion sense you have, the hot way you move, your sexy body as a whole," Tierno responded confidently.

"That's it? That's all physical things. You said nothing about me as a person. All you care about are looks. And don't think for one second I forgot that you're dating Shauna. You need to be loyal to her, she loves you, and this behavior of yours is so disrespectful to her," Serena replied with an irritated tone.

"The physical is all that matters at first, the rest comes later. As for Shauna, if I have you, I don't need her. I'll dump her in a heart beat to have you," Tierno said trying to sound cool.

"You are disgusting. Physical doesn't need to come first for me. I can see you are so disgusting on the inside I don't want anything to do with you," Serena spat, and tried to walk away.

Tierno grabbed Serena's arm and pulled her back, swinging her into a tree. Pancham moved in to protect her, but was blocked by Tierno's Hitmontop spinning in and kicking him. Pancham was knocked back, but quickly recovered.

"Out of my way!" Pancham growled.

"No can do. Whatever master says, I have to do. Besides, this is how it works in the wild. The strongest get the mate," Hitmontop replied.

Serena was dazed from the hit, but before she could recover Tierno slammed one of his hands over her mouth and kept her pinned up against the tree.

"You say I'm disgusting? We'll see how you feel when I'm done with you. I'll have you moaning my name and begging for more. You'll be breaking up with Ash in no time," Tierno says, as he tries to stick his hand up Serena's shirt.

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