Chapter 17

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Hello everyone and welcome to the latest chapter release. Today is a big day, as the first reader suggested Pokémon will be captured. Now I can not do this all the time, just now because this is the first. This reader has changed her screen name several times since I first met her here on Wattpad, but at the time of this update she goes by tomato-fairy . So thank you my friend for your suggestion, and I hope this chapter is to your liking.

If you like my work please vote, feel free to leave comments, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 17, enjoy.

Ash and Serena are entering into the city of Caceres for Ash's second gym badge. As they are walking they see people are very busy, looking to be setting up for something.

"Excuse me, " Ash said to one of the men getting their attention. "what's going on?"

"We're setting up for the Pokemon Racing Grand Prix, so if you'll excuse me, I've got a lot of work to do," the man replied, then walked off.

"Pokemon Racing Grand Prix?" Ash thought out loud.

"Oh, I've heard of that. It's the biggest race of all of the different Pokemon racing leagues. It's a race my mom told me she participated in. Apparently it's a traveling race that goes to different places every year where only the best racers in the world from different racing leagues are invited. She said that when she won her first Grand Prix it really helped make her a big name in the racing community," Serena explained.

"Wow, sounds like a big deal, " Ash commented.

"Hey, since we have enough time before my performance, why don't we stay for the race?" Serena suggested.

"That sounds great. Let's head to the Pokemon center now to get ourselves a room before they are all booked up, " Ash replied.

"Good idea, " Serena replied.

As they were walking they heard a loud cry.


"What was that?" Serena asked.

"It sounded like a Pokemon in pain, " Ash replied.

"Let's go check it out, " Serena said

The two teens took off running in the direction of the cry. They found the cry was coming from a quickly built stable for the Pokemon. Ash and Serena went inside and quickly saw the horrible sight, three men and a Rapidash. One of the men was pulling on the reigns, while the other two were spraying it with garden hoses.

"Hey stop your hurting it, " Serena cried as she ran towards them.

Serena arrived at the first man with a water hose and shoved him from behind, knocking him over. Then she continued to the other and grabbed at the hose and tried to pull it away. He raised one of his hands to slap her, but Ash arrived out of nowhere and grabbed his arm and forced it behind his back as he slammed him against the wall. The third man released the reigns and tried to help the other two, but Rapidash used one of its front hoofs to kick him in the stomach causing him to topple over in pain. The first man tried to get up but stopped when Pikachu jumped onto his chest with his cheeks sparking.

"Shhh shhh it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you, " Serena said as approached Rapidash.

Rapidash started to calm down and allowed Serena to come in close. Serena then started petting Rapidash, calming it even more.

"Excuse me but what is going on in here?" asked a voice.

Ash and Serena both looked to see the question came from an older man with a white mustache, wearing a black suit, with a red tie, black shoes, a top hat, and a cane.

Pokemon: Alpha and OmegaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant