Chapter 10

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Good morning everyone, and welcome to chapter 10. Well, I don't have much to say again, I'm not going to keep bringing up the same topic, so let's just keep this simple. If you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 10. Enjoy.

As Ash retook his position in his trainer's box, he looked over at William and saw a smile on his face.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you smiling about?" Asked Ash.

"It's just a little funny. Your mother never told you she was a trainer, and you never met your father, yet you battle like both of them," William replied.

"How so?" Ash asked.

"Well your mother was the queen of coming up with unorthodox battle strategies on the spot, that idea of yours with Pidgeot using the twister, and then Pikachu's iron electro ball, they just scream Delia. Those are the kind of moves I would expect out of her. As for your dad, he always had a plan for everything. He always was thinking three moves ahead with his decisions. That fire type attack your Pidgeot used, you clearly planned on using it since I wouldn't see it coming. And then you've been using your already tired Pokémon to weaken Dragonite before you send out your final Pokémon, you want to do your best to put the odds on your favor. And then there's that electro web, you're trying to use it to make Dragonite slower. Which tells me your last Pokémon is fast, and you're going to use that speed to your advantage. Your planning just like Red would," William explained.

Ash was taken back. When he started as a trainer he battled in the moment, thinking on his feet, coming up with unusual strategies as if it was second nature. But as he grew up he realized he had to also be able to think ahead, and even that was something that came relatively easy. All this time he never knew that he was like them both since Delia never told him. He wanted to call and question his mother why she never told him all this, but he didn't want to risk making her cry. He knew she had to have a reason, and it had to be a good one.

"Hey Ash," William called out breaking Ash from his thoughts. "Hurry up and send out your last Pokémon, I'm anxiously waiting to see what you're going to pull out of your sleeve next."

Ash lightly slapped both his cheeks, getting himself refocused on the battle before him. He then reached back for his last Pokeball, detached it from his belt and enlarged it, as he threw the Pokeball forward.

"Greninja I choose you!"

Greninja stood tall with his arms crossed as he sized up his opponent. Dragonite's breathing was slower and more controlled now than it was before. Her body was covered with scratches and bruises, but she still stood in a powerful manner, showing there was still plenty of fight left in her. Greninja nodded, understanding what he was up against and that this wasn't going to be an easy battle.

"Greninja," Ash said getting the frog ninja's attention. "We give it all we've got from the beginning and we don't hold back. It's going to take everything we've got. Are you ready?"

Greninja nodded, knowing exactly what Ash was referring too.

"Alright Greninja, LETZ GO!"

A pillar of water shot up from the ground as Greninja transformed into Ash-Greninja. Serena and her Pokémon cheered loudly, but none louder than Braixen, who was excited to see her mate going all out. William and his Dragonite watched the sight with a mixture of emotions, wonder, excitement, confusion, shock, and curiosity.

"No way, it can't be. Has it really been Ash all this time?" William wondered to himself as he witnessed the bond phenomenon.

Soon the transformation was complete, and Ash-Greninja stood before them in a battle stance.

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