Chapter 52

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Author's Notes:
Good morning everyone, long time no see, and welcome to the long awaited Chapter 52. I'm sorry this took so long to get out, but as I told many of you this chapter became unbelievably long, over 12k words. So I decided to chop it up into three chapters instead of leaving it as one. I just couldn't bring myself to cut it up until I was done writing it all.

Today also marks the beginning of regular updates, however not as frequent as they used to be. I used to be able to update twice a week because of the way my life was at the time. However now my life is a lot more busy, so I don't have as much time to write. With that said, for the foreseeable future, I will be updating every two weeks and only on Fridays. If I ever get to the point that I can update more, I will.

And that's all I've got, so if you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I am happy to finally present to you chapter 52, enjoy.

"Attention passengers, we will be docking in Barcelona port shortly. Please return your Pokémon to their Pokéballs and gather your belongings as you proceed to disembarkation," announced a voice over the speaker.

Ash and Serena were finally arriving in Barcelona after a long ferry ride, that started well before dawn, making it mid morning now. They decided to leave two days after the showcase, mainly because that was the first ferry that had an available cabin so they could get some sleep on the nearly eight hour long ride. Ash also wanted to leave early with the hopes of avoiding another encounter with Team Rocket.

Currently Ash and Serena were sitting at a table at a self service restaurant with their Pokémon eating breakfast. Today they were being joined by Ash's Noivern, as Ash wanted to take advantage of his excellent hearing incase Team Rocket was trying to attack with stealth. However he was currently eating very slowly as he tried to process Fearow's explanation to him as to where babies come from. This started with Noivern becoming excited about Delphox and Greninja's egg, and him asking where babies come from, as Hawlucha always avoided the question. Both Greninja and Delphox were both willing to explain, however were both unprepared how to explain it while also preserving the young Pokémon's innocence. Fearow saw this and decided to capitalize on this opportunity to have some fun, and lead Noivern away before anyone could stop him. After a little talking and some obscene movements made by Fearow, Metang hit him on the head with one of his heavy metal arms, and quickly guided Noivern away to give him a safer explanation. Metang knew many young Pokémon that were orphaned at the lake he used to call home, and was seen as an older brother by many as he helped raise them, so he already had the perfect response to Noivern's question. However by the time he got to him the damage was done, as he was left disturbed and knowing a far more perverted side of reproduction.

As they all ate the news played in the background, with a reporter interviewing Cynthia.

"Congratulations on you recent victory over the Torrent League Champion Azazel," The reporter said.

"Thank you," Cynthia replied in a calm, pleasant tone.

"Now, are the rumors of you being in a relationship true?" The reporter asked with a small smirk.

"No," Cynthia replied slowly with a curious tone as to who they think she's in a relationship with.

"Really? You were photographed with Azazel at a very nice restaurant, and it looked like a very romantic scene. Are you saying that the photo doesn't tell the correct story?" The reporter replied, thinking she cornered Cynthia.

Cynthia now looked slightly irritated by this new piece of information. "Azazel and I made a bet, the loser took the winner out to dinner. He lost and that's where he decided to take me. It was romantic looking because that's what he was going for. He was clearly trying to woo me, however the man is socially awkward and very annoying. There is not, and will never be a relationship between me and that man," Cynthia stated with an annoyed tone then walked off.

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