Chapter 78

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Author's Notes:
Good morning everyone, and welcome to chapter 78 of Alpha and Omega. Most of you probably haven't noticed, but my motivation to work on this story is tanking again. As we are approaching the Team Rocket arc my hopes are that I will have fun writing the chapters that I've been planning in my head since this story began, and my motivation will be restored. However if that does not happen, after the Team Rocket arc I'll take a break and hopefully find the energy and motivation to finish.

Part of my issue may be that I took on a new fandom, as seen by my latest project "Summer Break". I had been debating writing that for a while now, but like always, I eventually got too excited and began writing. For now my plan is to try and maintain both, but we'll see what happens.

Thank you all for listening, but before your reward one last thing. If you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 78, enjoy.


There was a huge explosion in the sky and sparkles rained down on Serena, Miette, Shauna, and their Pokémon as they wrapped up their final practice before the Torrent Master Class tomorrow. They were all breathing heavily as this was a very hard routine, but they felt they had managed to pull it off without a hitch. Although it didn't matter what they felt, M was the one that would decide if it was satisfactory or not. Normally they would run through the routine three or four times before they were done practicing for the day, and usually M would want to make some small changes to make it look better after the second or third run. True to what they were told, he was truly gifted at working out performances, as he came up with the routine after their first practice, which was just them showing off their Pokémon's moves. After that the first run was probably good enough to be serious competition at a showcase, although M wasn't satisfied and made some changes. Now after nearly a week and changes every day, this was hopefully the final product.

They all waited patiently, yet anxious for M's reaction, although Miette was the most anxious of all. Everyone was getting a little frustrated with changes being made every single day, especially being this close to the Master Class. But they all kept their composure, except for Scizor who looked almost ready to charge at M any moment. His movements were always precise and flawless the first time, so he wasn't pleased to be constantly making changes. Yesterday it had gotten to the point that he almost did take a shot at M. And if not for Meloetta and Ivysaur, he probably would have, as the two quickly restrained Scizor before he got too close. It wasn't really M's fault they kept making changes. Having this many performers and Pokémon on stage made it very tricky to make a good show as it was always teetering between beauty and chaos, and the changes were needed to keep it closer to beauty.

Finally a big smile was seen on M's face. "Perfection."

Everyone gave a sigh of relief at this point, as there was only two hours to get ready for the dance party, and the girls felt they needed every second.

"Now ladies I want you to remain self conscious tonight. Have fun, but don't over do it. The last thing you want is to try and pull this routine off with a hangover," M instructed. And with that they all gathered their things and headed to their rooms.

The girls were eager for this party and a chance for some fun and to relax. Unlike the other girls who were done with their mandatory training when they broke for lunch, these three had to then go work on the routine. Miette however had it easier, as she was able to get out of her group dance practice and get one on one training from Paul.


Day 1 of Dance Lessons

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