Chapter 80

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Author's Notes:
Good morning everyone and welcome to another thrilling installment of Alpha and Omega. Starting today this story is really going to pick up, so get ready for some 'darker' or mature chapters. I say this, however the way you all probably are, this probably won't phase you at all.

So now as I desperately hunt for coffee to keep me awake, if you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 8o, enjoy.

"What an amazing performance by these three amazing performers, let's give them another round of applause," Don Jose said as Shauna, Miette, Serena, and their Pokémon rushed off stage. As they made their way back to their dressing rooms event workers and competing performers praised them for their performance. When they arrived at their dressing rooms they gathered their belongings and left for the VIP area, where their boyfriends and everyone else was waiting , while still wearing their performance dresses. The girls were escorted up by one of the castle maids through halls that were closed off to anyone but the castle staff. They arrived at the room and were let in by an attendant, then dropped their bags by the door as they made their way to several couches set up for everyone.

"Excellent work ladies," M praised as he saw them getting closer. "I can see that Palermo was right to pick you three."

"Thank you," the girls said at the same time.

"Yes you three did very good. Now I expect you to bring that level of skill when you compete in the Kalos Master Class in three months," Palermo said without taking her eyes off the stage.

"Come on, hurry up and take a seat, the second group is about to start," Aria urged.

The girls sat down on the couches their boyfriends were already seated on, being warmly greeted as they sat down. Paul put an arm around Miette as she practically was sitting on his lap, while Trevor showed Shauna is first attempt at being a videographer as he recorded the whole performance with a new professional video camera he had purchased just for this occasion.

"So how did we do?" Serena asked Ash after a quick kiss.

"You were all great, Greninja and Lucario definitely enjoyed when you and your Pokémon took the stage," Ash replied with a small laugh.

"Really? How do you know?" Serena asked.

"Well first they both came out of there Pokéballs on their own, which they almost never do. Then after you were done they started arguing who was better, Delphox or Gardevoir. They actually seemed almost ready to come to blows," Ash replied.

"Well, I'm sure Gardevoir and Delphox will be pleased to hear that," Serena replied awkwardly, not sure if they actually would like hearing that.

As the performers showed their best, everyone was enjoying the performances. In the VIP area several were having small conversations about various things, but mostly the performers.

"So how's the competition looking? Have you picked out the fist Torrent Queen yet?" Aria asked Palermo.

"We still have several more groups of girls to go through, but so far Jessilee and Isla seem to be the only real competition," Palermo replied without taking her eyes off the current performers.

"Maybe, but do we really want a girl from Kalos to represent Torrent and be the first Torrent Queen?" Aria asked.

"Ultimately I agree, however as long as she is capable of being a symbol that inspires, nothing else really matters. And anyone who can't even do that will no doubt be replaced by another performer quickly enough," Palermo replied.

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