Chapter 15

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Welcome back for the latest addition to Alpha and Omega. Today we will dive back into one of my favorite ships, which I created by the way, Skyblueshipping. You all remember where we left Paul and Miette last chapter I'm sure. Well today will be the conclusion of their introduction, meaning next chapter Ash and Serena will return. I don't plan on doing chapters like this where Ash and Serena aren't in it often, but I'm not saying it won't happen again either. This isn't a hint, this is a legitimate I don't know, nothing is planned but it still could happen.

Since I got nothing else to say, let's get on with what you came for. If you like my work please vote, please leave me comments, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 15, enjoy.

As Paul said they arrived at a Pokemon Center about an hour later. Nurse Joy was very shocked to see Aggron carrying the other two trainers, and at first was concerned for their well being. However Paul and Miette were quick to explain what happened. Nurse Joy then proceeded to call officer Jenny and asked Paul to have Aggron to throw them in a corner and guard them. Aggron did as instructed and literally threw them from by Nurse Joy's desk into an empty corner, and sat down to watch them.

Paul then handed Nurse Joy the trainers pokeballs, then his and Miette's, and then got a room for the night. Paul tried to get two rooms, but Miette requested they share a room. Stating that she was still a little shooken up, and would feel safer in the same room as Paul. Paul accepted this and made certain there were two beds. Miette left for their room to change her clothes, and Paul went to the lobby to read a book.

A few hours later it was dinner time, and Paul was sitting in the Pokemon Center cafeteria eating his dinner with his Pokemon. Despite not talking much with Miette, she did spend most of the time close by him. He merely wrote it off as she was still scared and felt safer near him for now. As Paul was eating, Miette entered the cafeteria holding something behind her back, and walked up to Electivire and Aggron.

"Electivire, Aggron, I wanted to thank you both for helping save me today, " said Miette.

Both Pokemon smiled and nodded.

"And to show my appreciation I baked you both something, " Miette said, then revealed she was hiding a plate with two pokepuffs on it.

"These are pokepuffs, the yellow one is for Electivire and the blue one is for Aggron, " Miette explained.

Electivire and Aggron both reached for the pokepuffs, but stopped and looked to Paul for his approval. He nodded and the two happily took the pokepuffs and ate them quickly. Miette then released her Pokemon so they could eat with Paul's and went off to get some food. Paul didn't know why he did it, but as he ate his eyes followed Miette as she got herself food, which was noticed by his Pokemon.

"Hey Electivire, " Aggron said to get his attention.

"What, " Electivire replied.

"You know how Paul has been getting nicer over the years."

"What about it?"

"Do you think he's at the point where he would want to travel with another human?"

"I don't know, maybe."

"I hope so, because that females food she gave us is a lot better than his." Aggron concluded.

Miette sat down with Paul and began eating.

"I know I thanked you, but I really would like to do or give you something to show my gratitude, " Said Miette.

"You don't need to do or get me anything. Officer Jenny told me there was a reward for those two, so she gave it to me. That's all I need, " Paul replied.

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