Chapter 44

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Author's Notes:
Come one come all, to the latest edition of Alpha and Omega. A few things to say before I let you all have your fun.

First, this chapter has some pretty intense content. Secrets will be exposed, new truths learned, and about as many twists and turns as a good roller coaster. So anyone with a preexisting heart condition please take necessary precautions. Those who don't, well you might after reading this chapter. You have been warned, read at your own risk. I take no responsibility for what happens to any of you as a result of reading this chapter.

Second, todays battle has been brought to you by RahulKalosChamp , so let's all please thank him for his hard work here. Also, please do leave feedback for our esteemed battle writer.

With that all said, if you like my story please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 44, enjoy.

Ash and the others were lead from the Pokémon Center and out into the woods by William, to try and avoid any distractions during his battle with Ash. After a little while, they found a clearing with several rocks protruding out of the ground that was large enough to suit the purpose. Serena, Paul, and, Miette stood off to the side close to the tree line, while Ash and William stood apart opposite each other.

"Alright, now Ash, the main purpose of this battle is to try and draw out your ability and make your Pokémon mega evolve. I want you to focus on how you felt during your battle with Paul, and hopefully you'll get the same results," William said as he pulled out his Pokéball.

"Alright Dragonite, battle time."

Dragonite emerged from her Pokéball quietly as she stood tall with her arms crossed and stared at Ash, ready to redeem herself from her previous loss to him.

Ash thought about the Pokémon he had with him. He still had a team primarily of fire types, with only four of them fully evolved, which was what he needed for this match.

"Arcanine, I choose you!"

Arcanine emerged from her Pokéball with a howl. She then took a battle stance, ready to try out her newly evolved form, which was why Ash chose her.

"Hey Paul, how about you start this match for us?" William asked.

"Battle Begin!" Paul yelled.

"Arcanine, use extreme speed"

Arcanine raised her hind legs as she sped up rapidly towards Dragonite as a fire red aura surrounded her.

"Quick Dragonite, fly up to dodge!"

"You forgot something William," Ash said with a smirk.

"What might that be?" William asked with a puzzled look.

As Dragonite was about to flap her wings to fly up, Arcanine sped up even faster and hit the dragon type hard seconds before it could fly up.

"Extreme speed never misses as a first move," said Ash as Dragonite was pushed back hard towards William.

"Dragonite, you ok?" William asked as he mentally berated himself for making such a mistake.

Dragonite just nodded then let out a loud roar, frustrated over the opening she gave.

"Dragonite, now use dragon dance."

Dragonite pushed her two hands upwards as she was surrounded by a purple aura. The aura then faded as her attack stats and speed increased.

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