Chapter 51

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Author's Notes:
Hello everyone and welcome to the long awaited Chapter 51. I want to thank you all for your constant support over these last two months, as a lot has happened and if nobody asked or seemed to care, I probably would have become discouraged and abandoned this story.

Just a quick personal update before you can begin. As I stated on my last status update, I will be returning to work soon, which will help with me getting chapters done. I know that doesn't make sense as the opposite should be true, but not for me. Also during this time Alpha and Omega has his 67K views, while The Secret Prince has hit 212K views. You have no idea how excited I was when I saw those continue to climb, especially The Secret Prince as it's been complete for quite a while now. With that I would like to say thank you, as this wouldn't be possible without amazing readers like you all.

Also, today Serena will be performing again, and this performance will be brought to you by madashgoku . Please thank him for his hard work.

Now for the moment you've all been waiting for. If you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 51, enjoy.


It was mid-morning in Ash and Serena's hotel room, and moans were escaping Serena's mouth as she was going up and down on Ash's manhood while Ash's hands were on her waist providing support. The window was opened, allowing a light breeze to enter the room as Serena's moans escaped. From the living room noises from the Pokémon were heard, although they quieter now than they were earlier.

"Ahhh," Serena moaned as she felt her climax and fell forward onto Ash. Ash then proceeded to thrust several times until he also climaxed.

"I...cant believe...we went a...whole month...without doing it," Serena panted as she laid on Ash's chest.

"Same here. Part of me wished we didn't even go out last night and just stayed in the room," Ash replied as one of his hands holding Serena gave her butt a squeeze.

"Well, let's promise never to wait that long again," Serena replied with a blissful smile.

Last night after Ash and Serena had sex in the shower, they got dressed and went out to a nice local restaurant and then went to a club. They danced together having a blast, but the sexual tension between them eventually started to become too much as they began dancing a bit too provocatively. Eventually it came to the point where they had to choose between the club or their hotel room. Luckily it only took them half a second to decide to just leave and went back to the hotel room, making out as they entered.

"So when's your performance supposed to be?" Ash asked after they both caught their breath and as they also laid in bed.

"Sometime after lunch. Don Jose said he wants to meet us for lunch in the hotel restaurant to go over the showcase plan," Serena replied.

"Us? Not that I'm going to turn down lunch, but why does he want me there?" Ash asked curiously.

"I'm not sure, but I think he's trying to just be respectful and include you. It seems like his personal honor is important to him, so maybe he just wants to respect that we're a couple," Serena replied.

After a few more minutes of naked cuddling, Ash and Serena reluctantly decided to get out of bed to feed themselves and their Pokémon. Ash and Serena walked out of their room wearing only bathrobes, and much to their surprise, the Pokémon didn't greet them. This was surprising as just fifteen minutes prior there was a lot of noise and Ash could translate several of the Pokémon calling for him and Serena. They just didn't come as they were busy with one another.

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