Chapter 77

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Author's Notes:
Good morning everyone and welcome to another exciting chapter of Alpha and Omega. Now before I let you all get started I need to ask you, do you guys really want to see the Torrent League? This story has been in the works for about a year and a half, and to be honest I'm kind of getting burnt out on it. If you all really want it then I will push through and get it done to the same quality as I've been doing. If not, I've already thought of a nice way to end this book right after the Team Rocket attack. So please comment here and give me your opinion.

Thank you. If you like my work please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 77, enjoy.

The room continued to shake as everyone tried to keep from falling. Giovanni and his assistant grabbed the hand rails on the catwalk as many on the ground floor had nothing and just fell down. Red and Delia already knew it was pointless the try and keep standing and instead lowered themselves to the ground and held each others hands, showing one another they were in this together. Just then a golden light in the shape of a circle and as tall as the room appears on the wall across from Giovanni. Everyone's eyes lock on the light as something begins to emerge. Arceus slowly and dramatically emerges from the light. As the portal disappears the shaking stops, and Arceus is levitating in the air and looking down upon Giovanni.

 As the portal disappears the shaking stops, and Arceus is levitating in the air and looking down upon Giovanni

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"Giovanni, one of the worst of all humanity. You have something that belongs to me. Return it now," Arceus said in a calm yet demanding tone as his eyes narrowed onto the Team Rocket boss.

"I don't know about that. Humans have possessed this plate for over a thousand years, so by human law I'm pretty sure it belongs to us now," Giovanni replied in a taunting tone. Arceus gave a low growl in response. "However, I may be willing to make a deal to give it back to you," Giovanni said with a wicked smirk.

"I do not deal with the likes of you. Give me my plate or face my wrath!" Arceus replied angrily.

"Now just hear me out. Many of your more rare Pokémon are hunted and captured by humans, but if you help me conquer the world, we can put a stop to it and bring an era of peace for all," Giovanni explained.

"I do not deal with humans, and will do nothing to aid in your ambitions." The room began to shake again. "Now return my plate!" Arceus demanded.

"I see, so there is no hope of making a deal with you," Giovanni said sounding disappointed. At the same time an opening in the wall formed behind Arceus as a device that looked like a laser cannon from a sci-fi movie poked out. "In that case, I'll make you help."

"ARCEUS LOOK OUT!" Delia screamed as she saw the device behind him. But it was too late.

No sooner than Delia screamed that a blue beam fired at Arceus and hit him in the back. Arceus roared out in pain as the whole base began to shake violently. Soon the shaking stopped as Arceus calmed down and the beam stopped. Arceus was just left floating silently as everyone stood back up. Colress and Xerosic then walked into the room with four grunts behind them.

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