Chapter 91

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Author's Notes:
Hey everyone,

Today I bring you chapter 91, which brings an end to this arc. I want to apologize for the inconsistent update schedule. The summer is the busiest time for me at work, and when I get time at home I tend to fall asleep within minutes of starting to write. So as you can imagine, it's hard for me to find time to write like I normally would. I just want to reassure you all that I am still working on this book, and will see it through to the end.

Speaking of the end, I'm sure some of you noticed that this book has been listed as completed. I did that as a safeguard because I heard rumors that Wattpad was deleting stories that haven't been updated in a while that weren't completed. I was probably being paranoid, but after all this work I wasn't about to take any chances. In closing, this book is not complete but I am still working towards an ending we can all be happy with.

If you like my work, please vote, feel free to comment, and please share it with a friend. I now present to you all chapter 91, enjoy.

Ash quickly took the offensive, swinging his fists while also using his aura to read Giovanni's moves. Being fused with Giratina's body narrowed the gap that there was between him and Giovanni during their last fight, but it was also probably partly because it seemed Giovanni still hadn't fully gained control over Arceus' power.

Contrary to how Ash normally read a person's aura, when he looked at Giovanni he could see two separate Auras in his body. Obviously the other one was Arceus, but what he noticed was that there was a shining light seeming to be connecting the two. Ash suspected that if he could break that connection then he could separate them.

Giovanni blocked Ash's punch and tried to run a claw across his face. Ash dropped his legs out from beneath him then kicked them out to dropkick Giovanni in the stomach. Giovanni saw this and stepped to dodge, then stomped down on Ash's stomach and forced him to the ground. He raised his foot to stomp on him again but Ash rolled out of the way.

Ash quickly rolled back up to his feet but Giovanni was already racing towards him. He started delivering a series of punches which Ash blocked, then kicked him in the side of the knee. Ash dropped down to one knee as well as from his arms down to keep from falling over. Giovanni then grabbed him by the head and pulled it forward to meet his knee. He was about to pull Ash in for another knee to the face, but this time Ash grabbed his knee with his left hand then delivered two aura infused punches to his inner thigh before Giovanni shoved him back as he backed away as well.

Ash got back up to his feet breathing heavily. He did call this round two, but he wasn't doing much better than the last time they fought. He was confident that he found Giovanni's weak point, but he couldn't figure out how to exploit it. He assumed he needed to use his aura, but the question was how? To figure that out he needed to somehow incapacitate him, and to do that he needed to win this fight.

"Ash are you all right?" Serena asked in his head.

"For now. I think I see how to separate Giovanni from Arceus, but I'm not sure how to pull it off," he replied.

"I'm sorry, but William say he has no idea how either. He said he didn't even think it was possible to merge with pokemon like you both did."

"Ash," Delia called out, using Serena's psychic connection to guide her aura. "Giovanni is too skilled in hand to hand combat. You need to get out of there."

"No. He hasn't fully gained control of Arceus' power yet. If we leave then he'll have more time to learn. We need to stop him here and now."

"Ash, he's trained in combat longer than you've been alive. This isn't a gap that you can just overcome like this."

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