A trick

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Yujin: ugh i wanna take a nap but i can't sleep!

chaeyeon:oh i know this one!
[Chaeyeon firstly wraps Yujin into a giant burrito wrap shape with her blanket]

Yujin: surprisngly yeah!

Chaeyeon,sit next to her and puts her arm around yujin's shoulder:now i would tell you a story about my day...so today i was at hmart,looking for some kimichi when i noticed their was a random lollipop packet in the shelf,so i went over to the staff and let them know.they thanked me and even gave me a free lollipop which i gave you when i came home-

[Yujin had fallen asleep soundly on chaeyeon's shoulder]

Chaeyeon:works everytime :)

-we love you chaeyeon, we appreciate everything you!you're an amazing human and deserve only but the best!💞💞🥺🥺

IZ*ONE ON CRACK (Book version:) PART 3Where stories live. Discover now