lean on me

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- Ssambang! i hope i didn't spell the ship wrong 🥺
-let's get into this!
- comment please! I'd love to get some feedback about my oneshots and what i could do to improve them!
-enjoy :))

[No one's POV:]

the wind rushed through inside the car,iz*one's manger was currently driving them home from a show they were featured in. most of the members were exhausted from the dancing and tons of eating because if there's food,there's iz*one.

“unnie how long till we get home?”nako asked yawning.she rested her head onto to sakura's shoulder in which the older snuggled  with the latter as response.

“about an hour so you can sleep!”eunbi answered,staring at where they were.

“funny because most of the members have fallen asleep already!”sakura chuckled out.she was one of the few members who were still awake.

hitomi yawned,she had tried her best to stay awake but was failing miserably.chaewon sighed,she was sitting next to the younger gazing at her out of boredom.

“hii-chan,sweetie lean on me and sleep.”she whispered softly. hitomi grinned and quickly placed her head on chaewon's shoulder.

she fell asleep faster than she would've expected. chaewon chuckled,staring at how the younger looked so adorable while sleeping. she hesitantly pecked hitomi's forehead,being cautious to not wake her up from the deep slumber.

the drive carried on like that for a while and soon enough,all the members had fallen asleep soundly. manger-nim chuckled seeing them,he adored the girls and they were like his daughters so it was so cute.

“i should drive slower so they can sleep for longer,they did have a long schedule today.”he whispered to himself,slowing down.

the members were quite lucky today as usually the traffic would be bad but for once it was quiet clear so no car was pressing their wheels. unfortunately,they hit a slight bump on the road.

this awoke chaewon,the latter was quite a light sleeper so it wasn't something that was new to her.she yawned as quietly as possible, stretching only her right arm since hitomi was still on her left arm's shoulder.

chaewon's shoulder was hurting since hitomi had been there for a while but she wasn't going to move. just staring at hitomi made the small hint of pain go away.she pecked the younger's cheek lightly before resting her head on top of Hitomi's head.

“i'm taking a picture of this,it's so cute!”yuri whispered to yena. yuri and yena had also woken up after the bump. they were ‘awwing’ at how adorable chaewon and hitomi looked.

“chaewon is so whipped.”yena teased.

“yah unnie!don't act like you aren't for yuri!”chaewon shouted back. the latter didn't realise that she was a little too loud,since it woke up hitomi..

“h-huh?”hitomi said as her eyes adjusted her sight.

“oh!sorry baby ,go back to sleep! see what you did unnie!”chaewon whispered to Hitomi,embracing her with arms.

“whipped!”yena teased before turning around.

“she's gonna chase you when we're home.”yuri stated.

“protect me yuri!”yena said using her baby voice.

“ah-uh.”yuri chuckled.


yuri couldn't resist how cute yena looked,making a pouty facial expression.she sighed and rested her head on yena's shoulder.

“god you owe me!”

“yuri! don't be too loud,hiichan is sleeping!”chaewon exclamied.

“okay yeah she is whipped.”chaeyeon joked along.

in which chaewon denied strongly,which led her to get teased more. she tried to stay as quiet as possible since she didn't want to wake Hitomi up but little did she do,hitomi was awake the whole time.

[Requests are welcome,just comment! :) ]

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