to my youth

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-i'd recommend you listening to “to my youth“- by BOL4 while reading this oneshot :)
-wonako :)
-very soft
-angsty in the beginning but it'll transition
-enjoy beautiful :)

[nako's pov:]

there was a time in my life where i wanted to disappear.i wanted to vanish so badly.i cried throughout the dark nights,no one heard me.i was all alone,isolated.

i wanted to disappear...but then i met her.
she opened my dark world into something i had never imagined,and without me realising i had fallen deep for her.

i never imagined falling in love,but it was happening...for it to suddenly disappear.although she opened my world..
she went away as fast she appeared.and it began all over heart closed,but not like closed forever.

[no one's pov:]

nako!come on sweetie,you've gotta go to your morning class!”nako's mother,shouted.the poor woman was ever so worried for her daughter.just a few months ago,she was happy and then something occured and it went all down.

“i'm going mother.thank you for reminding me.”nako's mother watched in agony,as her daughter walked out from her room,wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants, out the door with no other word.

months passed by.nako stayed the same.however,she started to have a she always wanted to have but didn't have the courage for.singing.she loved to sing but she stopped after entering university.

now she was.infront of thousands of people,who were fans of nako,waiting for her to sing.and nako did what she had wanted for years.she sang her heart out.she was covering a song from another group,but she sang it just as beautiful.

“there was a time i wanted to disappear.the world seemed so dark while i cried everynight

f i just disappeared would i be more comfortable?”


ako didn't even realise,but as she sang the song.tears began flowing towards the end.there was a upcoming highnote,and nako did what she could do best.sing a highnote like it was nothing.

the crowd cheered for the latter,screaming in awe at how easy she made the highnote do.they screamed and,some even began to tear up as they saw nako year up.

“thank you everyone.”nako softly said,before the stage turned dark.that stage performance had gotten viral,people all around the world wondered why nako was crying at the end,and how she sang the  song,passion in every note and word.

nako didn't really bother checking the media,so she wasn't aware.“nako-unnie!!did you see the news???you're going viral!”her manger,yujin stated.

nako gave a perplexed expression,yujin showed nako her phone.“woah...i didn't expect it go so viral...”nako mumbled,scrolling through the phone.

“ahh!right!nako unnie,you have a interview soon!we've gotta head there!”yujin mentioned.nako nodded and followed yujin.

“hello everyone!we are back with another celebrity interview!and today we have the infamous yabuki nako!,it's good to have you nako!”

“good to see you steven.”

“so i saw your recent stage performance,and my my was it beautiful!you sang your heart into every lyric!the famous group you covered were blown away by their reaction and they thanked you ever so much!”

IZ*ONE ON CRACK (Book version:) PART 3Where stories live. Discover now