and i'm supposed to know you?

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-i thought hiinako?why not!
-so we're gonna make nako and hitomi very very very confident
-they don't know each other here!

(no one's pov)

i can't wait another minute unnie hurry!”nako shouted,she was waiting for eunbi to finish getting her stuff so she could attend this party.nonetheless,it was more of a game night than an event.

nako's friends and their friends were coming along to this huge party,and planning on playing the games on the floor since the party owner had an entire room filled with games.“i'm done!”eunbi whined,running down the stairs.

“alright let's go!”nako said, grabbing the elder's hand to hold.most would think they were dating but that wasn't the case,the two were very close but eunbi already had a girlfriend.

a few minutes passed,and they had arrived.they could both hear the music from the street.luckily,that week the neighborhood was pretty empty.hell it would look like a ghost town without the party being there.

“you guys came!the others are already downstairs!”hyewon greeted,hugging eunbi tightly.yep that was eunbi's girlfriend.nako fake gagged seeing the two kiss.shortly,she was greeted by her best friend yujin,who of course greeted the older by a big hug and picking nako up.

“UNNIE!!?I MISSED YOUUU”yujin said hugging the elder tightly,nako chuckled and gave a soft peck on the younger's forehead.yujin was practically carrying nako at this point.

just then,another one of nako's best friends came up the stairs “WONYOOO!!!”nako screamed getting off yujin and jumping into wonyoung's arms.“UNNIEE~!”the two hugged even tighter,and nako gave a kiss to wonyoung on her nose.

“i can't tell if those are together or if those two are together,”someone from the crowd commented.

“hint for you,neither of them are!”eunbi whispered over with the stranger was bewildered at.yujin walked over to the two and whined“wonyoung i wanted to hold nako unnie in my arms!”to which the other whined saying it was her turn.

at the end wonyoung carried nako.“yay!I get unnie in my arms tonight!”the younger happily said.“yeah but i get her next time!”yujin grunted.nako chuckled along go the two but was enjoying the fact she didn't have to walk whatsoever.

“oh you're all here i see!”chaeyeon greeted.she was unfazed to see nako being carried down since it happened all the time,however one girl was very confused by it.

“umm unnie why is wonyoung carrying a child?”

“that's nako and she is-

“for you information i'm not a child,i'm older than her by 4 years and probably older than you.”nako cuted off her words,jumping off wonyoung's arms.if there was one thing nako hated,it was being called a child.

“yabuki nako,you are?”nako greeted,taking her hand out for the other to shake.

“hitomi,honda hitomi,am i suspose to know you or something?”hitomi chuckled out bitterly.everyone around them were literally gasping,others were laughing and the rest were very much confused.

“you're funny,unnie let's play however i won't let myself be bothered this early in the night.”nako bitterly laughed,and walked away.

“hey what was that about?”yuri asked the elder,to which nako whined.“she called me a child!what else was i suspose to do?you know how i feel when people say that!”she was taken into yujin's arms who reassured that anyone else calling nako a child would get kicked.

IZ*ONE ON CRACK (Book version:) PART 3Where stories live. Discover now