it's been a while

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-this is also a video on i saw on YouTube called “the one that got away”,so credit to them!
-this is an inspiration from that video!

nako's pov:

i've met many people that have shaped me into the person i am today.even though some relationships didn't work out...i've learned a lot from them.

here's my story :)

after some stressful times in japan,i decided to go on my first two month solo trip in a did i decide?i got a map,and thew a pin at it,whatever it landed on,that's where i had to go.

and the universe choose South was perfect,it was a somewhere where i was unfamiliar with the language,and the streets,but still indjuged in the culture.

my main goal on this trip was to find myself,by getting lost.what can i say?i'm a creative girl.

to add on this whole process,for some odd reason i always tend to meet someone,when i least expect it :)

[No one's pov:]

nako stared at the menu,with a confused and bewildered was her first day in korea,and oh boy was she excited!however right now,she was the beginning,she had been using Google translate and her little korean to make her way around.

however,now she was in a café where the menu didn't have any pictures,just words in korean.her phone, conveniently wasn't working so now she was stuck.the waiter walked towards her table,and a nervous shiver went through nako's shoulders as the he asked.

“what can i get you?” in korean.nako chuckled and said “green tea?can i get green tea?”she didn't know how to say it in korean,so she tried her best to at least make it sound sense to the waiter.

but to the latter,this wasn't the case.the waiter was confused,a little anxious and let the younger know in his broken english.“ah- s-sorry i don't speak english!”nako sighed,she tried to use her phone but that wasn't working.

that's when it hit her,what if she just called one of her korean friends.she went on her phone and was about to dial when-

“ah excuse me,she'd like a green tea sir,”

“oh that's what she was saying!thank you!”nako turned around,and there she met eyes with the most beautiful woman,she's ever layed her eyes one.she felt a sudden zing across her,as if she'd seen a star.

“oh thank you!”nako bowed,with her hands together.she also felt a sudden relief.the latter chuckled and asked,“are you not from here i'm assuming?”.nako nodded.

“i'm from japan,tokyo to be specific.”she answered honestly,she didn't know why but she felt a emotion of comfort around the stranger.

“wow that's so cool! i'm wonyoung,jang wonyoung,”wonyoung introduced herself,taking her hand out to greet nako more formally.

“oh! yabuki nako!nice to meet you wonyoung-san!”nako responded,slowly greeting with her hand.they both,for some reason turned around for a second,before continuing to converse with each other.

nako's pov:


ven though i had just met her,it felt as if we already knew each other,like close friends.

IZ*ONE ON CRACK (Book version:) PART 3Where stories live. Discover now