tell me we weren't just

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-angst but it’s happy at the end
-request by GirlGroupHoe0_0
-i think this oneshot is actually gonna be a little spicy 🎇so look forward to it!

no one’s pov:

“yeah,we’re dating!”yuri stated.those words...they never hurt more than ever to anyone then yena.she internally wanted to scream,but stayed calm.she clapped,giving a biggest smile she could.

yena quickly left as soon as possible,slipping out the crowd and running to her dorm.she felt tears,threatening to indulge out but yena didn’t wanna cry...she wanted to be happy for her,truly...but something was telling her...this wasn't fair.

the door crashed closed.“YAH DON’T-y-yena?hey hey,come here”her roomate sakura stated,noticing almost immediately,the girl in almost tears.the second yena hugged sakura,her tears couldn't hold and she broke down.

“y-yena...who did this to you?what happened?”sakura softly asked,patting the younger's back softly.yena only looked at the elder with despair,and mumbled out“i lost her...i was too late unnie.she’s taken...and i should be happy,but doesn't feel fair...”

sakura recognised who it was yuri.the girl who yena did everything for,the girl she would wake up at unspeakable hours for,the girl she had been in love with for three years.she was beyond pissed off.she didn’t hate yuri,she was annoyed that yena had put all this effort for it go for nothing.

“yena,shhh,cry it all out,let those emotions you’ve been bottling up out,”sakurs whispered,carresed her back.she couldn’t bear watching her best friend in such pain,but she knew better that yena would feel a little better if she let it all out.

after a couple more minutes,yena sat up,still in sakura’s arms.“now now,we’re gonna wash your face and then get some food?you cried a lot and need replenish your hunger,”sakura softly expressed.yena nodded,hugging sakura even tighter.

the elder only smiled,she pulled the younger to get up.yena did so and washed up.they were both now,walking over to a nearby restaurant they went to often.“you feeling better?”sakura asked,seeing yena take a big bite of kimchi.

yena mumbled,“a little,”before taking a bite of fresh cooked pork sakura had been watching her best friend,eat and slowly seeing her facial expressions change to much more neutral expressions than earlier.

“now now,after this we will probably go back and  sleep okay?”sakura expressed,taking a bite of her food.yena nodded,she knew she would feel better if she had a good sleep.

sleep,food,and comfort from her best friend was everything she needed right felt healing towards the pain she felt.just as she was slowly starting to disappeared.she saw the face of the one person she didn't want see tonight.

sakura noticed it almost immediately and turned around.“oh my god...i'll go pay for the food,come on grab your stuff,”sakura instructed,they both stood up and walked to the counter.yena held sakura’s hand tightly,waiting for the elder to receive her card back.

after a rather long wait,the two ran out the restaurant.yena swore she heard,“yena unnie hey-
but she choose to ignore it.she knew who it was and she didn't want to be cry even more.

from that day onwards,yena avoided yuri at all costs.anytime,yuri would try to talk to her,sakura would push her aside and take her away.almost an entire had passed.yena was feeling better and was starting to get everything back into place.

it wasn't untill she walked into the locker room,she felt different.the elder had to grab her jacket and walked inside.she met eye contact with the one person she had been avoiding this entire yuri.

“finally!unnie it’s been so long since we last talked!”yuri greeted,walking over.yena almost immediately walked a few steps back.she sighed before giving a cold answer,“yeah sure.”.

yuri was rather distrubed by this reaction.she knew yena had been distance for a little,but thought she just had gotten busy with school work.“woah...why are you so cold- it isn’t you.”yuri expressed.

yena grunted,“you don’t know me that well,”yena answered,opening her locker.yuri was blantly just shocked at this behaviour."okay i was just saying an opinion,you didn't have to be rude-

“maybe stop giving me your opinions,”yena stated,closing the locker and putting the key lock back on.yuri was finally starting to have enough,“Yah?what is going on? why are you being so pissy?”.

and that was yena lost it...“pissy...i'm acting pissy?more like you can't sense someone who’s clearly not in the mood to talk”.yuri was beyond shocked,she has wide open.she had never get hear yena raise her voice so fast.

“you’re more pissy than my god.”yuri mentioned,leaning against the wall.yena chuckled bitterly,“which one?”.

yuri paused before answering,“minsung.”yena’s expression changed.she was confused...didn't they only start dating a month ago?.

“you broke up already?why?too poor for you?”yena grunted.she knew that was harsh,but she couldn't control how hurtful she felt even being near yuri.

“woah what the...i'm not even rich myself...and that wasn't the reason,he just wasn’t who i wanted.”yuri replied,gazing at yena longingly.yena snickered over,“okay sorry for being over sensitive,and who did you want?hyewon?minju?minhoe?”


yena swore that day,she had never felt rage and slight happiness at the same time.“”yena only muttered.

“yena...i know i should’ve realized earlier...but i-



“you know sorry will never cut should've realized earlier we weren't just friends,we felt more but you had to date that punk ass...”yena sighed,sitting down in daze.

“unnie...he doesn't matter,i should’ve known...what the hell were we though?!tell me we weren't just friends back then!if you really liked me why didn't you say anything?”yuri mentioned.yena was a little startled.

“i did try...but any time i was getting closer,you always ended up with someone else,”yena responded.yuri only sighed,sitting down as well.

they both met eye contact,but looked away from each other.neither knew what to do in this moment,they both had told their true feelings but now they were in different worlds.

“you really were...right person,wrong time yuri.”yena exclaimed,tapping her finger on her lap.she was starting to get nervous.neither knew what to say or do.

“unnie... really,can we start over? actually get to know each other and see how things go?”.

“as much as it hurt to even look at you, that's probably for the best,”.

they both slightly smiled.when they left that room,the vibe had changed enitirely,but for better reason.something told yena it was going to get better :)

IZ*ONE ON CRACK (Book version:) PART 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ