~Chapter 43~

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Harry Styles.

We had been back in the uk an hour and I was itching to get out of the airport. Standing still in the queue of passport control made me restless and annoyed. After being on a plane for who knows how many hours, standing in a long queue was the last thing I needed.
I just wanted to see Olive. After we got back into London I was going to take a train straight to her house and apologise to her as much as I could.

"What if she doesn't want to see you?" Marie asked and I shrugged my shoulders.
"It's not Olive. I don't think that she would turn me away if I went to see her." I said and Marie shook her head from beside me.
"She might. It's been over a week or so since she saw you. Maybe she just doesn't want to see you anymore. She might just be done with you" she said and I gave her a look that could kill.
"Well, that makes me feel a hell of a lot better." I said rolling my eyes.
"I'm just saying. She might have moved on. You always said she had that guy who was interested in her, maybe she's given him a chance." Marie said but I couldn't respond.
If I had opened my mouth I would have just become angry at her and I didn't want to do that. She was just showing me what a huge mistake I had made by doing what I did. I regretted it every single minute of every day.

When we pulled up to the office again I felt so tired. But I knew that I had to see Olive.
"Let me know how it goes ok?" Marie said giving me a hug.
"I will."
"She won't be in bed will she?" Marie said.
"No. It's only ten." I shrugged and she just rubbed my upper arm before walking away.
I breathed deeply before turning in the opposite direction and began walking.
The closer I got to her house the more anxious I became, but I itched to see her. Around the corner of her house I broke out into a run, trailing my bags behind me.
I had to get to her.
I had to.
I had to talk to her and explain.

I was breathing heavily as I got to her door, surprised at myself that I remembered what house it was.
I dropped my bags on the steps and knocked as quick as I could on the door.
I wiped my hands on my trousers as the door was slowly opened.
"Er, I'm sorry, Olive isn't here at the moment."
It was her mother.
"Oh you're Harry! I remember you! I also remember what Olive said you did." She said crossing her arms over her chest.
"Look, Bonnie. I have so so much explaining to do. I need to see Olive." I breathed.
I saw her search my eyes before she sighed and dropped her head.
"I wasn't lying. She's not here."
"Where is she?" I asked.
She didn't respond and looked past me.
"Please. Where is she?"

I spun on my heel so quickly I felt dizzy. But what I saw made me even more dizzy.
Olive stood there in a red floral dress with a blazer hanging off her shoulders. Her makeup was done and her eyes were wide.
She was arm in arm with someone.
Not just someone.
With Nick.
My heart fell into my stomach and I felt like I was going to be sick.
He was dressed in a white shirt and black jeans and I realised that it was his blazer wrapped around her shoulders.
"Olive," I breathed.
"W-What are you doing here?" She said, her voice frail and tears building in her eyes.
"I-I came to explain. But I'll just leave. I see I'm too late." I sighed, picking up my bags and pushing past Nick and Olive.

It killed me to walk away.
Tears were streaming from my eyes.
It made it even worse as I heard her start to cry and say my name, gradually getting louder.
I turned to see Nick ushering her into the house, his arms wrapped around her waist.
I wanted to shout at him to get off of her but I couldn't.
She wasn't mine anymore.

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