~Chapter 39~

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Harry Styles

"Please please tell me you've told her."
"Not exactly"
"Fuck you"
Well that was extremely harsh. Especially coming from Marie. But I deserved it. We were walking into the hotel and she was furious with me. Today was our last day in Russia and I still hadn't told Olive about the texts.
"Ok. When I go up to the hotel room I'll give her the charger and tell her about the texts I promise." I said clasping the strap on my bag.
I had put myself in such a shitty situation and I should never have done it. I regret messing around every moment of every day.
"Well she's sat over there so,"
Marie pointed to a sofa next to the reception desk and Olive was perched on the end of it, her leg jittering in her jeans.
She looked up as if she sensed us walking in. She rolled her eyes before walking towards us.
"She knows. Oh god" I whispered.

As Olive walked up to us she held my upper arms and pressed a quick kiss to my lips.
Thank god. She didn't know. Unless she did and she wasn't mad. But that was very unlikely.
"I took my phone down to reception and after some mistranslation I got them to charge it for me." She said and I nodded feeling like I was going to be sick.
"Well, how was the meeting?" She smiled putting an arm around my waist.
"It was ok. Long."
"Are you feeling ok?" She asked and I knew she realised that I was being blunt. But I couldn't make myself say anything else.
"I'm fine. Have you packed everything?" I asked forcing a smile on my face.
"Not everything but I've only got a few bits left to pack." She smiled and all I could do was nod.
I felt like I could have been sick.

After saying goodbye to Marie and collecting Olives phone, we headed back up to our room. I wished that somehow her phone would go missing from here to the room. But I knew that there was no hiding from it anymore.

"I'm going to go and phone Nick. You have a lot of packing to do" Olive giggled and I nodded.
I didn't want to loose the person I cared about most. But I braced myself.
I could loose her in the next ten minutes and it would all be my fault.

Olive Gail
The sound of the phone as I called Nick made me nervous.
Perhaps I should have called Mum first.
Too late.
"Olive! Where the hell have you been?!" Nick whisper yelled down the phone.
"I-I'm in Russia. You knew I was going to be here" I said, a frown falling on my face.
"I've tried messaging you multiple times and you've not answered me!"
"I never got any message from you Nick" I said and I could feel the frown get stronger.
Even before my phone had died, Nick hadn't sent me any messages.
"Well I definitely sent you messages. I checked they were delivered and everything." He sighed.
"I don't understand."
"It doesn't matter. You're here now. Olive you need to come home" Nick said.
"Why? What's happened?"
"Ivy's sick. She had a heart attack and she's really frail. We've had to close the shop." He said and I couldn't stop the gasp from escaping my lips.
"Oh my god."
"She's been asking for you" he said and it could have broken my heart.
I should never have come on this trip in the first place.
"Ok. I'll sort something out ok? I promise I'll keep in touch."
"Ok. See you soon. And Ol' ask Harry about the messages. For me." He said and I sighed before hanging up quickly.

He couldn't accuse Harry of something like that. It was probably my phone messing up. I ran my hands through my hair. I wished that Mum was here. She would know what to do and say.
But I she wasn't here. I had to sort it out myself. I planned in my head. I had to pack and book a flight back to London.
It was daunting. But inside I knew I could do it.

"Harry!" I yelled before walking into the bedroom.
"Ok I'm sorry!" He sighed putting his head in his hands.
"For what?"
"The messages?" He said and my heart fell through my body.
"W-what messages?" I said, my voice faltering.
He sighed.
"The messages Nick sent you. I deleted them. I was jealous that he was saying he needed you. I'm so so sorry Ol'" He confessed and tried to reach out for me.
I snatched my hand away from him as my eyes began to well up with tears.
"Do you understand what you've fucking done? Ivy had a heart attack. She's been asking for me. That's why Nick was texting me!" I cried and I saw his face pale.
I shook my head and grabbed the bags that I had packed.
"Olive what are you doing?"
"I'm going home." I said wiping tears off of my face.
"You can't. Ol' I need you please."
"If you needed me you wouldn't have done this to me!" I yelled.
I hated getting angry but I couldn't hold it back. It was wrong on every level possible.
I walked over to the door despite his protests and crying. I opened the door harshly before turning back to him.
"This," I said gesturing between us, "is done. I'm done."
"No no Olive please!" He cried.
"I was starting to believe that I could love you. But now I know, love will never exist."

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