~Chapter 33~

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Olive Gail
I woke up slowly still in Harry's arms. I rubbed my eyes and looked up at him slowly. He was still asleep.  I placed a kiss on his cheek softly before snuggling back into his body. He shuffled slightly and I worried that I had woken him up before his alarm went off. I heard him groan and I looked back up. He opened his eyes and I bit my lip.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you" I said.
"It's ok" he smiled. I brushed a piece of his hair off of his forehead.
"Do you have a meeting today?" I asked before he shook his head gently. I kissed his cheek again and he squeezed me tighter. He smiled with his tired eyes. "Are you tired?"
"A little"
I bit my lip again and cupped his face gently before lightly kissing him. He made a gasping noise as I pushed my lips harder onto his. I didn't know what came over me. It was the feeling of excitement and rush that took over. Yet I felt lost as I had no idea what I was doing. One of his hands caressed down my leg and that's when I pulled away.
He kept his hand on my leg and I had an odd feeling in my stomach as his hand moved up and down gently.
"What was that?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Burst of confidence" I smiled.
"So, love me yet?" He asked, a cheeky smirk on his face.
"Nope. I can kiss you without loving you" I said, detaching myself from him. "Do you love me?" I smirked.
"Well, no" he said as a tint of pink hit his cheeks.
I giggled lightly.
"Well then we're even"

I walked away from the bed and swung open the curtains. I smiled at the scene before turning back to Harry.
"What do you want to do today?" I asked and he smiled.
"Well today is our last day to spend here without me working so why don't we wander round, come back here and change before going out to dinner?" He suggested, sliding out of bed and slipping on a tshirt.
"Sounds like a plan" I nodded.
I grabbed some clothes from the wardrobe and walked over to the bathroom, giving Harry a smile before shutting the door.

I got changed and put on my makeup with thoughts rushing around my head.
Mentioning the word love still brought a strange feeling in my stomach. Especially now it was being directed at someone and not just spoken about with strangers.
It was strange for me to feel that I was falling for Harry. The only time I had fallen prior to meeting Harry was when I tripped over my own foot in primary school and cut open my knee.
Harry couldn't be falling for me. I knew it was most likely my pessimism speaking, but I felt it inside of me. He was handsome and kind and he could have any girl in this world if he so desired her. Yet here he was, sticking by my side as if it were his duty. Perhaps that's all he saw when he looked at me, a duty. He felt he had to keep me safe. That was all.

I didn't fully comprehend I was crying until the teardrops began to hang from my chin before falling onto my feet, nor could I fully explain why. I couldn't face Harry like this. I didn't want to explain. But I knew when I sniffled a few times that I had broken my cover.
"Liv? Is everything alright in there?"
The nickname he had made it worse. He was the only one who had ever given me that nickname and it just made me wonder why he was interested in me.
"I-I'm fine. Really i am." I sniffled. I scolded myself at the fact that it wasn't convincing myself never mind Harry.
"I can hear you sniffle" he said and I could tell he was pressed against the bathroom door.
"I've just got a cold"
"That suddenly sprang up as soon as you went in the bathroom?" He asked.
"Liv let me in."
I didn't want to. I really didn't want him to think that I was some weak crybaby. But I sighed and opened the door to him.

He looked concerned as soon as he saw my tear stained face.
"What's going on?" He asked wrapping his arms around me.
"Nothing I'm fine. I don't want you seeing me as weak." I sighed.
"I would never think that. Come on."
He took my hand and gently led me to sit down on the bed beside him.
"What's going on?"
"I honestly don't know. I just started thinking about why you chose to stick with me. You're handsome and kind and you could have anyone you wanted I'm sure."
"Stop it. You're being pessimistic. I like you Olive. I'm not afraid to admit that I like you. You're not like everyone else. I like you Olive." He said taking my hands in his.
The look in his eyes was sincere. I knew I had to stop. And I would. For him.

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