~Chapter 18~

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Harry Styles

"Morning""Morning" When I slept with Elle last night I had no idea that she would still be here in the morning

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When I slept with Elle last night I had no idea that she would still be here in the morning. I was surprised but wasn't going to kick her out. It was the first time I had woken up to someone being there in ages. Yet I couldn't help but feel that I had gone behind Olive's back. But she would never know.

"I didn't expect you to be here this morning" I said pulling my jumper over my head.
"I can go if it's a problem" Elle said and I shook my head no.
"No. It's the first time I've had someone to talk to in the morning in a while" I confessed and she smiled.
"You're welcome" she said and a calm silence fell over the house. "I mean it can be a regular thing if you want it to be"
"What do you mean?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders, it was only then I realised she was dressed in one of my shirts.
"You know what I mean" she said with a slight smirk and I felt my cheeks get hotter.
"Like fuck buddies?" I asked.
"If you want. As long as it's not interfering with you and that girl" she said and without knowing why, my heart started to race.
"What girl?"
"A girl showed up here this morning asking for you" she said and sipped on the cup of tea she had made herself.
"What did she look like? Who was she?" I asked, praying it wasn't who I thought.
"Erm, quite tall, shoulder length hair, sort of brown and blonde. She had this bright yellow coat on, like one of those raincoats you get" Elle said and I immediately slapped a palm to my forehead.
"You said you were single!" She gasped and I shook my head.
"I am single but it's complicated. My relationship with her, were not together but I was trying to show her that love exists. It's a long story" I said and Elle sighed.
"Well she certainly won't believe that love exists now will she."
"I never thought she would show up to my house! And even if she did I didn't expect it to be while I had a girl round" I sighed and flopped down onto the sofa.
"You care for her" Elle said and I shrugged.
"I don't want her to be upset. But you have to understand, she's never even kissed someone and I have...needs" I said and Elle scoffed.
"If you truly cared for her then it wouldn't matter and you would wait until she's ready. If you don't really care and only care about what your dick is getting out of it then don't drag her along. It's not fair" Elle explained and I saw her point.
"God I've been such an asshole" I groaned.
"Go see her then. Stop moping here feeling sorry for yourself" she said with a scoff.

I followed her up into my room and got dressed quickly before we both walked out of the house.
"I've left my number on the fridge. Let me know how it goes" Elle said before she walked away, giving my shoulder a quick squeeze.
I groaned and walked towards the underground station.
I had no idea where Olive was going to be. But I knew that all I could do was go to her house and see if she was there. If she wasn't then I would try the park. Or maybe she was in the book store. I knew she loved it in there

The first two locations turned out to be a bust. She wasn't at home or the park, and I walked round the park twice just to make sure I hadn't missed her.
I groaned and walked down to the bookshop. It said closed on the door but I pushed my face against the glass and saw her inside. I knocked gently on the glass. I watched as she looked up to where I stood, a startled expression plastered on her face.
She rolled her eyes before unlocking the door.
"We need to talk" I sighed.
"No we don't. There's nothing to talk about" she said, a stern expression on her face.
"Please Olive" I said as sincere as I possibly could.
She searched my eyes before sighing. She stepped out of the shop and locked it before turning back to me.
"You can come to mine. It's more comfortable there" she said and we began to walk to her house in silence.

When she opened the door I was surprised at how homely their house was. It was so light and airy. I loved it. Yet I got nervous as Olive sat down on one of the comfy chairs and I knew we were going to have to talk.
I ruined everything.
It was all my fault.

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