~Chapter 31~

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Olive Gail

"So, their meetings usually go on for hours on end. I thought it would be nice for us to go and get some lunch out?" Marie asked and I smiled as she sat down on Harry and I's bed.
"That would be lovely" I smiled and she nodded.
"Ok, well I'll go and get dressed properly and I'll meet you back here in half an hour" she smiled and I nodded before she left the room.

I got dressed into a white denim dress with short puffy sleeves, that reached my mid thigh. I brushed my hair and put on a small amount of makeup. I saw that I had some time before Marie came back. I picked up my phone and saw that Harry had text me.
'Bored already. Have a good day x'
I smiled at the phone and bit my lip as I decided what I would type back.
'Pay attention to your meeting x' I sent back just as Marie knocked on the door.
I picked up my bag and we left the hotel.

We came to a lovely little Italian restaurant and we both marvelled at the atmosphere inside. There was laughter and the smell of fresh food along with loud chattering voices.
"Isn't this amazing?" Marie giggled.
"It is. Cheers" I said holding up my wine glass. She smiled and gently touched the glasses together
"It's so nice to have a girl on this trip. If you weren't here I'd be sat on my own all day" Marie sighed.
"I'm lucky Harry asked me to come" I said and the thought of Harry and the kisses we had shared made me blush.
"What's the story of you and Harry? I mean not to be rude but you just show up all of a sudden" she giggled and I nodded.
"It's an odd story. I met him on a bench" I said and Marie raised her eyebrow. "I don't believe that good love is real. It just hurts. Love hurts. Harry doesn't believe that and he said he could show me love and it went from there" I explained.
"That's insane. I'm sorry but it is."
"I know"
"How's it going so far?" She smirked.
"Good. I mean I definitely like him. And we've kissed twice" I said feeling like a little school girl.
"So are you two dating?" Marie asked.
"I'm not his girlfriend"
"He's not asked me"
"Well, you two kiss and go out on little dates so why not put the label on it? You could ask him?" Marie suggested but I shook my head.
"I dont think we could date yet. I don't love him" I shrugged.
"You don't have to love him to be his girlfriend. That comes with time. But you know what I think? I think that you're stubborn. I think that you don't want to be his girlfriend because that means he'll have shown you love. Do you not want to be in love?" She asked.

Her confronting me made me realise that perhaps I was being stubborn. There was in fact a part of me that didn't want Harry to be right. But in that moment I realised that that stubbornness was being my self saboteur. I did like Harry and my want to prove him right meant I was being closed to him.

I looked at Marie and she raised an eyebrow, a smirk starting to appear.
"I'm right aren't I?"
"A little. I've never been in a relationship and yes I'll admit there is, was, a part of me that wanted to prove to him that love didn't exist."
"Honey you're just going to bring yourself down with that attitude. Harry is a good guy. I promise you. If you let him in you won't regret it. He'll make you feel like a princess walking on air."
"How do you know this?"
"Because I've seen the way he treats his mother and his sister. He's a gentleman. Besides, if he was ever an asshole he would have me, his mother and sister all on his back about it." She said and I laughed.
"Thank you Marie"
"So you'll be his girlfriend by tomorrow yes?" She giggled.
"I'm not sure about that"
"Have you guys had sex?"
"Marie! We've just kissed never mind that!" I said with red cheeks causing her to laugh loudly.
"Will you before the trip is over? I bet he's great" she winked.
"We are not talking about this!" I said putting my head in my hands causing her to laugh even more.
"Honestly Liv, have you ever had sex?" She asked and I quickly shook my head.
"Harry was my first kiss." I said quietly, not wanting to talk about it anymore. I folded my arms across my chest and looked up at her.
"Why are you closed off to relationship talk?" She asked.
"That's a very very long story" I sighed and she nodded, dropping the subject.

We spent another two ours out in the city walking around looking out in shops, constantly chatting away.
"Is there another dinner thing tonight?" I asked as we walked back to the hotel.
"Nope. You and Harry have the night to yourselves" Marie winked.
I just shook my head but something inside me fluttered. I had a spur of adrenaline.
"When does their meeting end?" I asked Marie.
"About six but after their first meeting they always have a chat over things. I'll expect they'll be back at the hotel around seven" she said and I nodded.
We walked up to our rooms and before she walked away I took hold of her hand.
"I think I'll surprise him tonight. Harry. I have the urge to" I said and Marie smiled.
"You don't have to if you're not comfortable"
"Not like fully. Just, a little"
"Why don't you order some room service for you two?" She suggested and I smiled.
"I'll set it up on the balcony for us" I said and she nodded.
"I'll see you tomorrow my love. Have fun!" She smiled before walking away to her room.

I took a deep breath and looked at the clock. It was five. I had two hours.

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