~Chapter 11~

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Olive Gail

"Isn't five years pushing it a bit Olive?" Melanie asked and I sighed.
"I don't think so. Im an adult so no" I shrugged.

I couldn't get Harry out of my head. Whether I was thinking about how he looked or whether he was doing this all for some twisted joke, he was always there. I could barely concentrate on what I was really talking about with Melanie because I was thinking of him.

"Olive Im worried you're going to get hurt" she said and I smiled.
"For once, Im not" I shrugged. "He's a nice guy. Besides we're not actually in a relationship. It's just an adventure"
"Olive you're so naive when it comes to the world. He could say anything to you and you'd go with it" she said and I scoffed.
"You're supposed to be making me feel better about myself"
"Olive he's a man. You're just a child" she said and tried to reach for my hand but I snatched it away from her.
"That's not true"
"You're a child Olive. You've not experienced anything! He's a man. That's probably worldly wise" she said and I grabbed my raincoat standing up. "Olive were not out of time" she said but I scoffed feeling the tears spring to my eyes.
"Im not a child" I said and walked out of the cafe, tears wetting my cheeks.

I hated the fact that I cried when I was angry but I couldn't help it. The tears just kept falling, the wind making my cheeks sting. I didn't know where to go I was so dazed. I just kept walking down the street. I couldn't go home. Mum was with a client. I guess I could go to the shop. Ivy wouldn't mind. I just kept walking, wiping the tears as I walked, wrapping my raincoat over my body.
I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and crashed into someone else.
"Olive?" I heard and I snapped my eyes up.
Without thinking I wrapped my arms around him, my head resting on his chest.
"I was just about to come and see you at work" he said and I pulled away from the hug to look at him and wipe my eyes.
"I-I wasn't at work today" I said and I saw that his forehead was creased into a frown.
"Whats wrong?" He asked and I shook my head looking towards the sky.
"I just-ugh" I tried to explain what was wrong but every time I kept thinking of Melanie's words it started all the tears again.
"Come with me" he said and wrapped an arm round my shoulders.
"Where are we going?" I asked, my voice becoming croaky.
"My office"

I was nervous was we walked into Harry's office building. I didn't belong in here. Everyone was so smart and well dressed. I stuck out like a sore thumb in my raincoat.
We got into an elevator and went all the way up to the fifteenth floor. As we got out the floor was very quiet and I noticed thats because everyone must be out for lunch, and this floor seemed to be private offices.
Harry's office was all the way at the end of the corridor. I smiled as I saw his name engraved onto a plaque on the door. He must be fancy.
He opened the door for me and told me to sit on the sofa that was pressed against the back wall. He sat beside me but left a large gap between us.

"What happened?" He asked.
"Do you really care?" I said staring at the black wooden floor.
"Of course I do. I wouldn't have brought you here to talk to you if I didn't care. Why would you think I didn't?" He asked and I shrugged.
"No one ever really cares. They just want to hear that your fine" I said but he shook his head quickly.
"Not me. I want the truth" he said and I brought my eyes up to meet his.
"I-I was at a therapy session and Melanie was saying to me that she was worried I would get hurt because Im just some naive child while your a man who's probably worldly wise. But I said to her that I'm not a child. Then I left" I explained and I noticed his sympathetic look, something I realised I received a lot from people.
"That's crazy. You're not a child I mean yes you're a bit younger than I am but I don't really see the issue" he said and I nodded.
"Society. That's the issue." I grumbled.
"Then to hell with society and we'll keep doing what we want to do." He said and I smiled along with him.
"You're really not like anyone I've ever met" I said.
"Is that good?"
"Very good"

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