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Aahana was just coming out of Mr. Mathhew's cabin with an address from him. It was an only clue to find Nick's mother. Yes, the address is of Nick's mother's parent's home. She wanted to find her at any cost after hearing the kitchen story from Nick yesterday. 

             Yesterday, Nick told her about realizing his feelings for his mother and the letter he got from his father that morning. After describing everything, Aahana asked him, "So, what are you going to do about your father?"

"That's what I wanna ask to you."


"Yes..To tell you the truth, I don't know what to feel about the letter."

She frowned. "What do you mean? Didn't you feel happy that your father wrote you a letter?"

He was silent for a moment. "I've got mixed feelings. Yeah.. It's true that a little part of me is happy; very happy to say exactly. But other part of me is angry. 'Cause why didn't he try to reach out to me before? Why didn't he ever tell me that, in what situation he was going through? Why didn't he even think of me just for once while trying to commit suicide? Have I no importance in his life at all? And now after all this time he wanted me to forgive him, to start again. How can I do this, Aahana? I don't know..." He covered his face with his hands.

When Aahana told Mr Mathhew yesterday to write a letter to Nick, where he could express all his feelings, she didn't thought of this could affect Nick terribly. She didn't want Nick to look devastated again after that time, but her plan backfired. She just wanted make peace between Nick and Mr. Mathhew, but looked like she couldn't do it. She caused him much more pain than the last time. She hugged him tightly. "Sorry. I am so sorry." She whispered.

Nick was shocked from the hugging, he even didn't come to terms with the hugs from Aahana. He didn't know why, though. He hugged girls, kissed them, had sex with them... but every time when it came to Aahana, he felt this peace in her embrace like nothing could go wrong. A feeling where he felt that he was loved by someone. And whenever she hugged him, his hearts beat so loudly... he couldn't grasp the feelings. 

 They broke the hug after Nick giving an awkward hug. Aahana turned around from him to wipe the tears. Nick also turned around to compose himself, then said in a low voice, "I'll do it."

Aahana turned towards him. "What do you say?"

He took a long breath and exhaled it. "I'll give him the second chance what he wanted."

"But if you don't want to then you don't have to..."

"I know. But I want to. Remember you told me about the distance between me and dad. I thought about that a lot. You were right. After I realized my feelings for my mother, I want to understand the relationship with my father too. I want to hear his part too and give a chance this relation. I didn't get the chance to confront my mother why she left us or left me. And this time when I am getting  a chance I won't miss it. I also want to know him more personally and to witness the proud father whom you were talking about."

She just nodded her head. "If you're sure.."

"I am." He smiled confidently. Aahana couldn't help but smiled also. She liked this new Nick who was starting to accept his past and present self and wanting to give a try to his father. She was happy for him but also tensed up for the upcoming situations. She didn't tell anything to him though. After that he shared his happy and funny memories of his mother with her for a while and went back to their homes separately. 

 Coming back from the park, Aahana flopped down on the couch. Kait didn't came back today as well. How much did she work? Aahana went to kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee and came back at their sitting area. His happy face was coming in her mind continuously when he described his mother. Really, if their relation was so beautiful, why she left him and didn't try to contact him. And he even didn't know her whereabouts. How could that be possible? There must had been some explanation and she would find it. At least she would try to find Nick's mother. But will it be okay? He was so wrecked about the letter before, will he be able to handle himself after seeing his mother? But after all he has every right for an explanation from his mother. Whatever happens that will see in future; for now it matters to find his mother. And if anything happens, she will be there with him. She was thinking all of that and took her phone out to call Kait for discussing this, but did not. Kait must had been busy lately. 

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