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                    The bright sunlight came through the open window and fell on Nick's face. He didn't change his attire last night after came back home. He went to sleep wearing them. Nick slightly moved to avoid the sunlight, but the sunlight became brighter and fell on him; looked like the Sun was waking him up. He irritatingly opened his eyes slowly, rubbed them and glared at the Sun through the open window. But who cared his glares? Nick slowly got up and sat there silently. His eyes fell on the wall clock in front of him. It showed 5:00 am. He looked at the clock intently, then suddenly felt a mild headache. He was good at drinking, so the headache was not from drinking. Then he remembered whole events of yesterday. The lunch with Aahana, the breakdown in front of her, the kiss, then again the face-to-face clashed with his father. And it caused him more pain than the mild pain he had felt before. He screamed in pain holding his head tightly with both hands. He went straight to the shower and opened it, cold water fell on him. The cold water soothed the pain temporarily. He got out of the shower more relaxed, but disturbed as much as was he before. He went to his car and driving to the one and only place that he treasured most. The park. That park where he went with his mother daily in the past. 

                  The park was very beautiful. It wasn't children's park with lots of entertainment activities, rather it was for walking silently hand in hand and enjoying the scenic beauty. There was a small lake with a small bridge over it and lots of greenery and small benches to sit down after a peaceful walking. 


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           Nick parked his car and went into the park

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           Nick parked his car and went into the park. It was 7:00 o'clock on the morning. There were some random people jogging, exercising there in the park and wanderer here and there. He walked slowly to the path surrounded by trees both sides and went  to the small bridge where he faced the lake and stood there silently, keeping the hands on the bridge's railing. The calm environment showed its effect on him. His headache subsided than before.

                       This park brought back many memories. His mother took him here whenever he was angry or upset in the past. But after his mother left, he stopped coming over. After being an adult also, he never came back here. Whenever he was angry or upset now-a-days, he went to bar, drowned himself in drinking and hooking with random girls. It was became a routine for him. But didn't know what happen today that he came here after such a long time. This place didn't change much after all this long years. It reminded him of his mother. His mind was racing the memories of the past; how he was running on this very bridge with his mother, swinging on that swing which was that side of the lake. His mother's smiling face was coming in his memories repeatedly. Whenever her face occurred, he felt a mixed feelings of love, happiness, anger, betray, sadness all the feelings, but never hate. Nick held on the bridge's railings tightly. Why? Why her face occurred in my memory till now? I should hate her for what she did with us. Why cannot I? She wasn't the woman who had given birth to me. She changed. So, why couldn't I forget her?

"'Cause she's your mother, so having your feeling for her is not a shame, it's only natural that a child would love his mother....." Aahana's words came into his mind.

 Did he really love her up until now? Sure, his inner child loved his mother without doubt; he trusted her no matter what happened. But his now adult self? Did he also loved his mother without a doubt? He remembered the time when there was a food fight or more like cream fight in the kitchen with his mother.  He remembered the incident clearly today as well. It was happened one week before his parents' fighting day. He and his mother were baking a cake together for his father. After the cake had gone in the oven for bake, they started to prepare the buttercream frosting. when his mother mixing the butter and powered sugar with the vanilla essence, he dipped his finger in the cream and licked it. His mother tried to stop him, but he didn't and then his mother dipped her finger in the cream as well and touched his nose. His small nose was covered in the cream looking adorable and funny at the same time. She started to laugh looking at him. He firstly was taken aback, then he also picked up a lot of cream in his small hand; his mother noticed and backed her way saying 'don't', but who cared? He threw the cream and it flied toward his mom. She ducked and the cream dropped on the kitchen counter with a 'splash!' And they started the cream fighting and stopped when the oven sounded a 'bing' to indicate the cake was ready. They cleaned the kitchen and again started to prepare the cream and decorate the cake together. 

 A wide smile spread on his face while remembering this memory. A sweet memory. A very sweet memory that he would cherish as long as breathing. A single tear dropped from his left eye and a smile played on the corner of his lips. Looked like he really loved his mother, after all this year, after what she did. His anger subsided after acknowledging the love for his mother. 

 He didn't want to go to office today, he wanted to spend this time alone with this many happy memories. So, he lazily strolled the whole park and sat on the swing. His mind was again playing the fight with his father. He made a mistake to blame his father for all the things. Sure he had his own mistakes, but to blame him for what he didn't do was wrong. What to do? Might be he should call Aahana and take advice from her. After mentioning Aahana's name, he remembered the kiss again. Damn!! After kissing her yesterday, he fled from her and today as well he didn't go to office. He didn't get the chance to talk with her about kiss. By the way, what was 'the talk' about the kiss? It was just a kiss. He did kissed many times before, but never occurred to 'talk' about it with other person. So why now?

Because this time she was no random girl, she was Aahana. His conscience answered.

"Right. She is Aahana. A true friend I ever had. No, no, not just any good friend. She's my best friend. And I don't want any confusion about the kiss in us."

Confusion? Its that what you thought about the kiss? His conscience asked him. 

Nick hesitated for moment. Did it really? He again remembered it, clearly. Though he initiated the kiss, but she responded as well and that felt right. Just right. Might be he was disturbed from the earlier burst out, so he kissed her out of the blue. Yes, that might be happen. So he answered back to his conscience, "Of course it was a misunderstanding; a spur of the moment. I will apologize when I see her and we'll be friends again."

But.... His conscience again started to argue, but he stopped, "Stop it. I've made up my mind. I'll apologize to her when I see her. Not anything else." And then some fact  hit him hard. "Why the hell am I talking to myself, anyway?" But there was no answer. Now again he felt frustrated, but with different reason this time. He came back home after the Sun set. He was this all the time at that park. Coming back home, he ate some food and went to his room with the thought how to apologize to Aahana tomorrow.

 On the next morning, Nick was up early and getting ready for the office. He thought that he would had to listen from his father after taking an abrupt leave from office yesterday. But that never happened, rather he got a letter lying on the floor. He frowned in confusion; he took it and opened it. He looked at the first two words and the sender's name. It was from his father and it was addressed to him. 

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