|| Q&A ||

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Q1. How you come up with the story?

Ans:- I think it's a very much common plot of an Indian girl going to foreign and there she fell for the handsome popular man of the town. That's actually all started in my case too. But I wanted it somehow emotionally strong, specially for the male lead. In our society there is a saying that male can't cry. If he cry then it shows his weakness. I hate that idea very much. Why can't a man show his emotional side when he is hurting inside? Why can't he cry in front of people, even if the other person is his family member, mother or life partner? Even when I first started as a reader in Wattpad, where I started many stories with different plots, twists and turns, but when it comes to the feelings of the male lead or specifically saying to show his weak side, it's always a no-no. Always showing the female character a weak person, not saying I'm not encountered with some awesome strong female leads too. Hence, I thought of writing my own story with the characters I want them to be. This is the first reason.

       And the second reason is I want to show a relationship where two person get to know each other first, bonding over little things, becoming friends and then lovers and life partners. I want my characters to take their time slow and form a strong bond.   

Q2. Why is the name of the story is Modern Cinderella even there is nothing like the Cinderella fairytale story which we know?

Ans:-  I am a super fan of Cinderella story from the childhood and my favorite part is when the clock struck 12, Cinderella just fled away to hide her own identity from the Prince Charming and her stepmother and stepsisters. On her way of running, one glass slipper came out from her leg and fell on the steps.

                And this same scene you can read in my story where for the first time Aahana wore a dress and some jealous colleagues, just like the stepsisters, ruined her dress on the way of the party, Kait gave her a beautiful golden dress like the Fairy Godmother. And finally, when Aahana stepped into the party, everyone looked awe in her including Prince Charming Nick. They danced, but they didn't knew their identities due to the masks and suddenly Aahana came back home from the party without telling anyone, before midnight and on her way she left her anklet, which represented the glass slipper. So, it's a Cinderella story, but there is no cruel stepmother or stepsisters. Instead there are supportive parents and a best friend like Kait whom a girl ever want in her life. It is a modern version. So, Modern Cinderella it is.     

Q3. How will you describe Kait and Aahana's friendship? Do you have someone same as her in your friend circle?

Ans:- When I started writing this story, I imagined the character of Kait whom I really wanted in my life. I have wonderful friends in my life but not as cheerful, sometimes childish, sometimes mature and a very much helping in a foreign country whom you can trust fully. Maybe I sketched her character inspired by Lisa Haydon's character in Queen movie(Indian's know which movie I'm talking). But a miracle happened in July 2019. I met with some awesome people in the University and formed our own friend circle, but with just one person I bonded most. We bonded in just 2 days. Can you believe we were inseparable from that time onwards?

               She is childish sometimes but is very mature in her own way. She is a very cheerful person. She always gets my back, even went into a fight with a guy once because I got scolded by professor because of that said guy. She sometimes doesn't know her own feelings, but I somehow come to know her moods and confronts her. She gets scolded by me when she is the wrong one, feeding her foods in our break time in University. We shares our every little secrets with each other. We are like long lost sisters. She is the extrovert one and I'm the introvert one, so she brings out my inner chaotic character out. And this happened all in this 2 years, where we actually couldn't meet the whole 2020 and now 2021. We spent together most likely 8-9 months, but it feels like we know from eternity. We actually speak countless of time about this, how come we bonded so fast despite there were other people too. 

               Yes, she is on Wattpad too. She is a better writer than me and I get to learn from her most of the time. We help each other on writing the stories too. We are each other's first proof reader. Whenever someone finishes a chapter, we share that with each other and take notes if there is some changes. She always say about me in her comments, notes. So, I want to dedicate this short passage to her.

@Chocolate_Spidey Bedd, Thank you for being in my life. Love you.

                       After meeting with her, I tend to make the characteristic of Kait much like her. When I want to write what reaction should Kait have in certain situation, I ask Bedd how she would react in that moment and I take that and write with my twist. So, yes. Kait's character is inspired by one of my bestest friend.  

 Q4. When is Nick's going to stop being blind of his own feelings and Aahana's?

Ans:- Nick already have realized his feelings for Aahana, but he is afraid and confused of that fact. Afraid because he thinks that only he loves Aahana and Aahana sees him only as a best friend. If he takes any further step towards Aahana to form a relationship, maybe he will lost the friendship with her and that he cannot tolerate at any cost.

And he is confused because he didn't forget about the golden lady. He cannot shake the feelings, the sparks, what he felt at the time of first meeting with that lady. Since he thinks that Amy is the golden lady; he wants to give Amy and him a chance as well. So, right now, his heart is dividing into two parts, trying to figure out.

As for Aahana's feelings, Nick can feel something is off with her. But he thinks that it is Aahana's feelings as a best friend, not of a lover.

Q5. Why did Amy lie to Nick about "The Golden Lady"? And how did she know the activity of the Golden Lady?

Ans:- The truth will appear upcoming chapters in details. But I can say right now is that Amy wasn't lying. She was there at the party. I can't tell you more than this. Sorry!! Stay tuned for upcoming chapters.

Q6. Are Amy's feelings for Nick real or partially real or totally fake?

Ans:- For this also, you have to wait for the upcoming chapters. But I assure you that you all love the upcoming chapters.

Q7. Approximately how many chapters are going to publish?

Ans:- Hmm...Truthfully I didn't think about it. I just write one chapter and publish it. At first I thought the whole book will be in 20-25 chapters. But as you all know, I started write and ideas came up and it is now on chapter 36. But I intend to make it under 50 chapters.

Q8. When will you publish the next chapter? Give some spoiler.

Ans:- The new chapter will come very soon. I'm working on the new chapter. The new chapter will be very emotional one, at least I'm trying to make it emotional as the story plots goes. I'm trying to express the emotions into words right now. Hope you will enjoy the chapter.

................. So, that's all I got for the Q&A. It actually good to share my thoughts on the story with you guys. I thought no one would write questions, but you guys did. Thank you so much. Also, I added the question of Kait's on my own. I really wanted to share that part. Kait is an important part of the story. You all wanted to know more about Nick, Aahana and Amy, but I wanted someone to know more about Kait too. Unfortunately, no one did. So, I made up that question. Hope you don't mind. 

      Thank you all for your support, kind words and immense patience. Stay tuned for the upcoming chapters.

Lots of love.

Stay safe, happy and healthy.

- Puja :) :D   

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