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Aahana came her apartment from office and was very sad about not finding her anklet. She was crying silently. She remembered the memory of her grandma with the other anklet which was in her leg. Katlyn was in her room, she came out of her room hearing the door opened. She saw Aahana was crying silently. She came to her and said,"What happen? you didn't find the anklet?"

Aahana nodded her head in a no then hugged Kait and broke down in tears. Kait patted her head, then said, "I know what we can do." She ran to her room and brought the tablet , then call Aahana's parents. Aahana tried to stop her,"No, stop. I can't talk them right now. I'll be very upset to see them right now."

"No, Aahana. They are your parents, if anyone can comfort you now, is your parents. They will understand you."

After that, they called her parents, told them about anklet and everything. This time Aahana' father was there also. He said, "Babai, it's ok. You tried your best to find it, right? I know it's unfortunate that it lost, but what else we can do now? You have the remaining one. Treasure it. And one thing if you have or have not your anklets, your grandma will always with you, whatever happens.Okay?"

"Hmm. Thanks Babai."

Then they talked about other things like health, the weather etc. After the video call Aahana hugged Kaitlyn and said,"Thank You. Thank you for being here with me."

"Oh,shut up. You are cheering me when I have been brooding over something. "

Then they ordered pizza,coke,donuts any spent the day watching Bollywood old comedy movies. Kait had a thing for Bollywood actually, so they decided to watch it and Aahana translated it to her through the whole films...

Next day was Sunday. They went  supermarket to buy the ingredients for Pulao, Chiken Kosha and Tomato Chutni, and for the dessert ready made Gulab-jamun. Forget to tell one thing, for the past two months, there was a ground rule between Aahana and Kaitlyn. The rule was, every sunday they had to cook some Indian traditional dishes together. Last two sundays were the hectic for Aahana, so they didn't cook. But today they covered it for the last two sundays. After the heavy lunch, they fell asleep. After some time, Kaitlyn woke up and called Aahana, "Hey, sleepyhead, c'mon wake up." She answered in sleepy tone,"What?"

"Wake up. We're going for a walk."

"We are?"

"Yeah, the lunch was so heavy. If we don't walk now, I can't eat dinner. So up."

After that, they went for a walk in the nearby park. The children were playing in the park. There was not another park in nearby area, so there were so many children came to this park. Kaitlyn and Aahana also strolled around the park while talking. Some children were playing with ball. Aahana saw the ball was rolling down on the road. A girl went to catch the ball. Suddenly Aahana saw a car was running towards the little girl. She looked around for the mother of the girl. She saw some ladies were chatting in the corner of the park, they didn't notice anything. Kait was talking about something, but she didn't hear anything. She didn't realize that she was running towards the little girl, arriving near the girl, she jumped in front of the car to save her. The driver of the car saw that and turned around the steering wheel and the car hit the lamp post beside the road. 


I know this one is small to compare for the other ones. But don't worry, I'll make up for it in the next Chapter. So, please give some love for it. Bye :)

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