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Alex and Sia were relaxed that Aahana did not come yet. How would she come? They did threw strong alcohol in her dress. Yes, these two threw alcohol to her dress and destroyed it. Mr. Mathhew came to them and asked about Aahana. They said, "We don't know sir. We haven't seen her since morning."

"No, Sir, she came this morning and already re-checked the party preparations. I think she went her room to get change. She will be here soon."- Kazuki said when he heard their conversation.

"Okay. Please tell her to meet me." Mr. Matthew told Kazuki.

"Sure sir. By the way, sir, how's the decoration and preparations?"

"It's good. I like it very much. But the guests will say it. Also the party starts smoothly, look after it goes smoothly as well till the end."

"Of course, sir. We'll be very careful about it."

Mr. Matthew went to attend some guest. Kazuki called Aahana. After ringing sometimes, Aahana picked the phone, "Hello."

-"Aahana, hi, where are you? The party is started and Boss was asking for you."

-"Oh, sorry sorry. Actually, I was ready for the party and wait for my cab, suddenly some sick car drove past me and threw something at my dress. So, I have go back and changed. "

-"WHAT??" He shouted. Everyone looked in his way. He told sorry and excused himself to a quiet corner and asked whisperly, "What? I know who did that. It was Sia and Alex. I heard early they talked themselves about you and late for the party. I am going to confront them now. "

-"Wait Kazuki, you have no proof. And they will deny it. So what's the point. Now our main goal should be the party goes smoothly. Don't think too much about them. Okay?"

-Sigh." Okay, fine. But after the party I will confront them."

-"Okay, okay, we'll see about that later. Now go and welcome our guests. I will be arriving in no time. Bye."

-"Bye." He hung his phone . He was very angry about those two. They were like this snake like from the start. He cooled down his head before attending the guests.

When Aahana reached in the party, the party was already in high level. She calmed down herself and wore the mask and entered the party confidently. She closed her eyes for some moment as the limelight fell on her suddenly; she could not see anything. While closing her eyes, she heard some gasps. When she opened her eyes she saw everyone in the party was looking at her with amusement. Everyone stunned by her beauty in that golden dress. It was a mesmerizing scene; since it was a black theme masquerade party, so everyone wore black, but only she wore a golden dress. At first she felt nervousness since all eyes were stopping upon her. But after some hesitant moment she entered the party. Everyone whispered who she was. In the main time the party was started. No one knew that she was the intern from India.

Suddenly there was playing a romantic song, so the couple were starting to dance. Thus the staring Aahana was minimal, Aahana went her way to Kazuki. He did not realize at first that she was Aahana, so his jaw dropped when she approached him.

Aahana said,"Hey Kazuki, close your mouth. It's me. "

"A-Aa-Aahana!"He stammered. Then clear his voice and said, "You! I can't believe my eyes. You look just absolutely gorgeous. "

Aahana slapped his arms in a friendly way, "Oh, stop it. Do I really look that pretty, everyone just stared at me. "

"Ha ha. Who says? Everyone gasped literally when you entered. By the way the dress is something in a good way."

"This is Kait's , my roomate, her design. I told you earlier, my dress was destroyed, so she let me wear it."

"Wow, her work is beautiful. Let me introduce to her."

"Oye, are you trying to be ask her out through me?"

"Heh, it's not wrong. You will say no if I ask you out, so maybe she.."

"Hmm, how smart. By the way how do you know I'll refuse you?"

"Oh please, I'll see enough of you that this will I understand. In past two months I made my moves countless time, but every time you already cut me out."

"Hmm, that's true. Okay, don't upset. I'll meet you with Kait."

They were having a friendly conversation. Suddenly a man in black offered his hand and said, "Excuse me, but shall I dance with you?"

Aahana was startled at first. She was looked at first his hand and then his face which was covered by a masquerade mask. She could only see his deep blue eyes.


Hey, readers, hope you like this story so far. I will introduce you all with Nicholas Mathhew. So stay tuned and read.Bye :)

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