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After that event happened with Amy, the consequences took place much more quickly, also suddenly. After that sudden push from Nick, Amy's eyes had widened in shock. He stood there dumbfounded for some seconds and before she could speak about anything, he just excused himself, got out from that room and went straight to his judge's area. His head was in fully confused mode and he hadn't any idea of what was happening in his body and mind. He was lost his own thoughts that he didn't notice it was the time for the results. So, when the announcer started to announce, he was slightly baffled but quickly recovered it.   

                   The announcer spoke, "This year, the competition was very strong amongst the competitors. We've seen some awesome designs as well as some great models today. There was a little drama in the last, though. But it's all allowed in the fashion, right?" 

The crowd cheered. He also laughed and continued, "Joke aside, let me congratulate to all 30 participants who made this far, gave their all to make some amazing designs and share this designs with the world. So, let us all give this young talented designers a round of applause, everyone." The crowd clapped and cheered for the designers.

"The results is already made by our honorable judges and the envelope is in my hand right now. I'll be announcing it soon. But before, let me remind you the awards which will be given to the winners. The Top 5 designers, including the winner, will do an internship under the house of famous designer Ralph Lauren for 6 months. And the winner of this competition will sign an one-year contract with Ralph Lauren, after the internship of course, along with a grand prize of 200000 USD." 

The crowd wheezed again to listen the prize announcement. 

"So, let's not make it long. First announcing the Top 5 designers who will do the internship.. " He held the mic in his left hand and open one of the envelope in which "TOP 5" was written with golden calligraphy. He again announced, " When I announce the names, please come forward.  So, the 1st one of TOP 5 is ...... " A dramatic pause happened.

".... Samantha Rodriguez."

The supporters cheered and the said person came forward smiling and took her position.    

"So, the 2nd of TOP 5 is, Henry Walker." Henry came out and stood beside Samantha. 

"The next one is .... Miley Lily White." Miley came in front and stood beside the other two.

"We already had 3 top contestants among the 5. Let's see who will be final two." The crowd went silent in anticipation. The announcer read the card again, "So, the 4th top designer is Stewart Fredrick Sanchez and the 5th and the last one is Daniel Thompson." The crowd cheered again. 

Kait seemed down after hearing all the names; she wasn't in the TOP 5. She was standing to one side of the stage, near the wings of the stage; from where she could easily see Aahana. Kait didn't want to stand on the stage anymore, she just tried to slip out through the wings, but Aahana stopped her to do that. She firstly rolled her eyes to Kait and then gestured her to smile and clap for others. Kait sighed in defeat and exactly did what Aahana told her. On the other hand the announcer was now announcing the winner of the whole competition.

"And now the time come to know the Winner of the competition who will win an internship in Ralph Lauren and 200000 USD. After my declaring the name, I request the judges to come on to stage and hand the prize money and the contract to the winner." The judges nodded their heads. 

"So, the Winner of the Grand Fashion Show is..." The crowd went silent once again. All the TOP 5 designers were praying to the God last minute and nervousness could be seen on their faces from afar. A thick tension was spreading through the whole hall. 

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