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***** One request everyone, read this chapter while listening this music*****


Nick felt Aahana'a slightly tensed but determined tight grip on his hand. He thought of asking her what the matter was, but did not. They were walking for a while. A mild cool breeze was blowing, some mild fragrance of flowers were also coming to his nose, chirping sounds of birds were coming through his ears. They were somewhere in an open place, somewhere in nature-- Nick thought to himself. But the place was so quite; a little too quite actually. Nothing could hear except the birds' chirping sound here and there. Not a person was near them. Finally they stopped walking. Nick felt that Aahana let go of his hand and went behind him to untie the blindfold. He felt the blindfold was undone and he opened his eyes. He had to adjust his eyesight in the sunlight which was directly hit him in the eyes. When he finally able to see, he looked around to see the surrounding. It was a cemetery. Nick was confusedly looked at Aahana who was now standing beside him. Aahana gestured him to look in front of him. He did so in a bewildered manner. His eyes went big in shock to see the thing in front of him.

 There was a grave with a white tombstone. The tombstone was almost covered with grass and weeds except the part where a name was written. A very much familiar name. 

Rachel Morgan Matthew

Birth- 2nd July,1970

Death- 4th March,2001

Nick stared at the name without a blink. The childhood memories spending with his mother were crowding in front of his eyes and his heart was tightened up with so much emotions that can't be said. He felt a warm hand slid into his frozen cold right hand. He blinked for the first time in a long and immediately realized that he was crying. His left hand directly went to his own left cheek to feel wetness due to crying. He blinked rapidly to stop the tears and suddenly anger was overpowered his all other emotions. He wiped the traces of the tears from both eyes with the back of his hand and turned around angrily to face-to-face with Aahana.

"What is this, Aahana? Why are you bringing me here? Is this some kind of joke to you?" 

He screamed at the last part; eyes were red due to both crying and anger. Aahana slightly flinched in fear at his voice and appearance. But she knew full well that this reaction was normal for him; she maybe did the same reactions if she was in his positions. She tried to speak to him, but Nick held his hand high to stop her. He rubbed his face with both hands and exhaled a frustrated sigh. 

"I'm sorry for screaming at you." He mumbled. "But I'm still mad at you. Why are you bringing me here when you're well aware of how much I hate that person? She is dead or alive that shouldn't affect me, but it does. Why the hell is it caused so much pain when I hate her that much? When I'm trying to forget her? You know, I'm more mad at me than you, Aahana. I am mad at myself that even after these many years, I can't control my emotions towards that person. I am pathetic." He shook his head in depressed. 

"No, you are not pathetic, Nick. You know that yourself too and stop saying 'that person', she was your mother for God's sake." Aahana raised her voice slightly.

"Look.." Nick swallowed the pain that was forming again, released a shuddering breath in anguish and continued, "I don't want to be here and talk about her or anything, I just want to go home." He turned around to go back to the entrance, but Aahana caught his hand tightly.

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