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Nick's POV,

                     Nick was sitting at the judges' table as one of judges; since their gaming company was one of the important sponsor of the competition. He wasn't supposed to here as a judge though, originally it would be his father. Now-a-days his father and he were slowly but surely getting closer. They were starting to eat together at least once a day and share their schedule with each other. There was already so much stability came in their relation in just 2-3 days that it was unbelievable to Nick sometimes. They also started to share their ideas on business expansion and many more. And due to some business strategy, they sponsored this competition and held a position as one of the judges. Mr. Matthew believed in Nick and gave this big responsibility to his son. So, he was at the judges' chair, but his mind was somewhere else with the thought of Aahana

                      He didn't see her for 4 days already; the last time he saw her and talked with her at Tuesday and it was already Saturday. On Wednesday, she messaged him and wanted him to give her a photo of his mother. He didn't have any clue why though, but he did sent her the picture. Other than that anything didn't happen. He also didn't get to chance to talk with her properly. And now the memories spent with her  playing on his mind continuously ; always thinking about her eyes, her smile, her concerned crying face, every small movements of her during different emotions-- all were floating on his mind. He asked to her office colleagues when she didn't come to office next day. He came to know that she had taken 2 days leave. She didn't take any leave before when she had a fever, but what would had happen that she take the leave this time? Was she alright? He did thought of going to her apartment to check her on, but hadn't have any time to do so. He could only pray now that she would be alright. Maybe he could go to her apartment tomorrow. He nodded himself and tried to concentrate on the ongoing competition.

              There were total 30 competitors and 10 judges -- 4 of them were famous designers, 2 were renowned fashionistas and 2 were biggest sponsors of the competition. Each competitor had to show their top 5 collection; each design had to be different than previous design. The top 5  finalists would be done an internship under the famous designer Ralph Lauren for 6 months and the winner would be signing a 1 year contract with Ralph Lauren along with a grand prize of 200000 USD. 

          Nick was looking through the unique designs, the materials, the delicate works on the dresses, the powerful poses of the models to bring the beauty of the dress and everything else and discussed with the co-judges as well to bring out the best of all the dresses and designs. Already 29 competitors had shown their works and it was the time for the 30th competitor. The announcer announced the name of the next competitor-- Kaitlyn Liao. Nick's ear got alerted to hear the name. Was this Kaitlyn the same as Aahana's roommate? She was also talking about some competition. Nick thought and subconsciously turned his head towards the audience.. if it was the Kaitlyn whom he knew that meant Aahana would be here also. He was trying to find any glimpse of Aahana, but failed. He again focused on the competition. The competitor named Kaitlyn presented her creations one by one--

 The competitor named Kaitlyn presented her creations one by one--

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