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Aahana opened the apartment door with her key. She saw Kait had been waking up also. She had been working on her designs. She asked her, "You are early. What happened? Was not the party good?"

Aahana nodded her head and told, "That's not the issue. The party was awesome. Actually I forget to wish my parents for their marriage anniversary. I have to wish them at 11:30 am but I was busy with the party preparation. If I didn't wish them now, I will be forgetting again and go to sleep. How forgetful of me!" When she talked with Kait, she dialed her parents in video call. After some ringing, her parents picked up.

"Happy 24th Marriage Anniversary, Ma. I'm so sorry. I forgot your anniversary."

Her Mother replied,"It's okay Mana. You'll be very busy to forget this, I assume."

"Hmm. Boss decided to give us interns the responsibility to plan a party. So, I was busy and forgot. "

"So, how's your party? And are you wearing that dress in your party?"

"Yeah. You know Ma, Kait designs this dress. Isn't it pretty?"

"Yes. This is pretty. Where is Kait?"

"I'm here.",Kait answered cheerfully, "Happy Marriage Anniversary Aunty."

"Thank you, beta."

"Oh, aunty, where is uncle?" Aahana also asked her mother,"Yeah, where is Babai? Ma? Is he okay?"

"Yes, he is fine. He went to the bank for some important work. He will come soon, since it lunch time here."

"Oh, yeah. Forget about time zone.",Said Kaitlyn.

"You two are always awaking late at night. There is midnight now, right? Go to sleep now, go."

"But Ma, I haven't even spoken with Baba. I wanna wish him too."

"No, not now. I'll tell him that you called us. Tomorrow is your weekend, right? Your father will also be at home. So, call tomorrow. Okay, bye. Good night."

Aahana and Kait both said goodnight before cut the call off.

"Okay. Now tell me all about the party. What happened? How was the dress? Did anybody caught your eyes or not?", Kaitlyn was questioning her enthusiastically like a little girl.

Aahana laughed at her enthusiasm and said, "I'll tell you but at first give me some time to change."

While changing in the bathroom, Aahana told Kait about the party. When she entered the party how everyone stared to her with amusement, also they whispered that who she was. Anyone did not recognize that she was the Indian intern.But she only told Kazuki, cause he was the only friend in her office. She even mentioned that he was eager to Kait. Kait said, "Sure, why not. There is no harm meeting new people, right?"

"Riiiight. So, where am I?"

"You were talking with Kazuki, then?"

"Yeah, then ..." She told that a man, who wore a black suit and a mask, offered his hand to dance. And to her surprise she accepted it. Seems like the body of her had no control of its own. They danced a while. After some time, when he went to take some water, she came out from the party.

Kaitlyn listened very carefully and asked, "So, what is the name of that guy?"

Aahana said, "Which guy? Kazuki?"

Kait said, "Oh no idiot, with whom you did dance."

"I don't know. Actually I don't know anything about him. I just know that he is not some co-worker of the party, cause he was, I knew."

"How do you know? You said, he was wearing a mask. So, how? and by the way, what are you doing when dancing? Didn't you guys talk?"

"No. We did not talk or ask about anything, neither him nor I. We were just looking at each other's eyes. His eyes were deep blue like sea. Do you know Kait, for one moment I think myself a princess who had waited for her prince for her entire life. And finally her prince was just appeared in front of her to ask to dance. It was so dreamy and magical at the same time. I can't explain the feelings in words. I was felt the princess of inside myself for that beautiful dress. Thanks Kait for giving me the dress."

"Hmm. I understand. Like Cinderella. Also, you came back from the party before 12. Almost like Cinderella. Just you have no stepmother or cruel step-sisters. And this makes me your Fairy-godmother. Right?"

Aahana laughed soundly, "Yeah. Your dress is so beautiful. I feel myself princess, like you say, 'Cinderella'. But, that's it."

"That's it? What 'that's it'?"

"I mean, after this party I'm not gonna meet to him."

"What? But why? You said you both were looking at each other's eyes deeply. Also when you told me about him your expression clearly say that you liked him. So why not? "

"Because Kait, I don't even know him, neither name nor how he looks. So how I can expect that I will meet him in the future? Or else, if I ever meet him in the future, how can I recognize him? Remember I told you I don't know how he looks!"

When she talked with Kait, she suddenly noticed that one of her anklets was missing. "My anklet?"

                                          Aahana's anklet

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                                          Aahana's anklet

She was searching for her anklets in her room, bathroom, kitchen, living area, everywhere. She also asked Kait about them. But Kait did not see them. Her eyes were starting to fill with water. Kait comforted her with a warm hug and said, "When did you last see your anklets? Did you keep open them at home for the dress?"

Aahana nodded her head, "I am wearing them all the time. I never open my anklets. It was my Grandma's last thing which she gifted me my 7th birthday. It is very precious to me. How can I lose it?"

Kait said, "Relax. Then it must be dropped at the party or in the office, when you were hurried back to return at home."

Her eyes were full of tears. "How can I relax? If someone took it, how can I find it? What should I do Kait if I never find them?" The hot tears overflew from her eyes.

Kait told her, "Don't worry, Aahana. You will find it. If it were at the party, then you will find it. Tomorrow you go to office and ask everyone about anklet. Now go to sleep. It's getting late."

She went to sleep restlessly.

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