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Mr. Mathhew came out from his library room to get a drink on his own. He saw Nick was already there on the bar stool. He didn't talk with his son, usually, but there was something on Nick's posture, he didn't stop himself to ask, "Nick... what happened?"

        Nick was still on his own world, and also in a haze due to lots of drinks. Mr. Mathhew again asked him,"Nick..?", but there was no respond. Mr. Mathhew came closer to him and touched his shuolder. Nick looked up to his father with unfocused eyes and saw his father staring at him. He smiled foolishly, "Heeyyyyy daadddd! Whatttttsss uupppp!!!? "

Mr. Jackson Mathhew didn't saw his son acted so abnormal and drunkard. He knew that Nick liked to partying and drinking and playing with girls and all that, but he(Nick) did all those things outside home and he returned home very late. So Jackson never encountered a drunkard Nick before. But what happened today? He got curious. He sat down the other bar stool across him with a drink himself and asked, "You tell me, what happened?"

Since Nick was so drunk and overwhelmed for today's happenings, he said in his drunkard voice, "Meeee??? N-N-Nothingggg special", then he started bushing, remembering the kiss with Aahana. Mr. Mathhew noticed the change of expression on his son's face, smiling he asked, "So, why are you blushing?"

Nick alerted on hearing the question,"N-No. Nothing." He started to sober up, and rage started to control over him. He said bitterly, "It has nothing to do with you. By the way, why are questioning me about my personal life? and why the hell are you here?Shouldn't you be with your wife Anne?"

 Jackson was always a calm person, obviously if he wasn't, he couldn't built this huge company of all by himself.  But whenever it came to his son, he couldn't calm himself down. And now too, there was no different. He put down his glass on the counter and said his son in serious tone, "How dare you talk in that tone with your father? And don't talk like that about Anne. She is a mother figure for you. Respect her. Or else.... ? " Jackson was standing up from the stool. 

"Oh.. shut your fucking mouth up!", Nick yelled out, " She's not my mother, she's just your wife. And I don't give a shit... " 



The first sound was Jackson slapping Nick hard on the face. And the second sound was Nick falling on the ground hard from the bar stool. Since Nick was still drunk and the slap was given him off-guard, so he couldn't help and fell on the hard floor. After the slap and the fall, the drink wore off from Nick fully. Nick touched his cheek where his father slapped him, then glared at his father from the floor. Nick stood up from the ground and steadied himself. He shouted at his father," Why the hell did you slap me?"   

Jackson also lost his temper and yelled out, "I already told you to not talk to with me in that tone and don't bad-mouthed about Anne. She always care about you and is a well-wisher. And here you are bad-mouthing about her? She is like your mother.."

"Mother??? Fuck!!! My own mother didn't and even doesn't give a shit about me!!! And Anne does? And I've to believe it??"

"Nick!!!", shouted Jackson.

"Cut the crap! Don't even tell me anything. You know what? Now when I think about the past, it must be Anne's fault that Mom just left us. Mom must knew that you'd an affair with Anne, that's why she just divorced you and left us." Nick in his deep down, knew that was not true, Anne had nothing to do with his parents' divorce, but right now he couldn't stop himself to say it. Right now he just wanted to give a pain to his dad, or more like a glimpse of pain which he carried on with himself all these long years. So, he just blamed on everything on Anne. He kept rambling, " But she... she just had to leave you, not me. What did I do that she left me? ", Nick was now on the verge of tears. He tried not to cry in front of his father, but a drop slipped away. Jackson was stunned there to see Nick cried. He never saw Nick like this, not after his mother left. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. 

                   Nick stood there sometimes silently. He was hoped that his father would tell him something. Anything. To comfort him or confront him. But neither had happened. And there an awkward silence was spreading between them. So, he silently went towards his room. Jackson was still stood there alone


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