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On Monday morning,

                   Aahana was getting ready for going to the office. Aahana was almost ready except getting the breakfast. So, she went towards the kitchen and made the breakfast for herself and Kait. Kait was also coming from her room and going to kitchen ; there she made herself a cup of coffee. They sat together at the table and started eating breakfast. Kait questioned Aahana first, "So, what're you gonna do?"

 Aahana knew what her friend was talking about, but she shrugged, "For what matter?" 

Kait took a sip of her coffee; hearing Aahana's answer, she arched her eyebrow and said, "Oh, really? You don't know what I'm talking about?" Aahana didn't look at Kait, she concentrated with her breakfast. Kait huffed in frustration, "You'll meet with Nick at the office today. And the kiss was happened between you two yesterday. So what're you going to do?"

Aahana looked at Kait from her plate. She chewed and gulped the food, then said, "Exactly what I said last night 'I don't know'". She opened her mouth to speak again something nonsense, but Kait held her left hand to stop her and she continued, "I know it's the first time for you that you don't know what to do or how to feel about love and how to express your feelings. But don't take it complicatedly. If you like him, go tell him or if not then don't think about it too much."

Aahana listened Kait intently, then said, "I know. I really try to forget about the kiss, but it kept running in my mind.... and I don't know, every time when I remember it, my heart tightens... And I don't know why I'm starting to feel uncomfortable... "

"Whoa, whoa, Aahana.... Just breathe.. Ok?" Kait already put down her mug and held both hands to stop Aahana from further talking. Aahana breathed in and out for some seconds and continued to her breakfast. Kait told, "Look, don't think it too much. You also can't use your head in this matter, since it's all about heart. Just do whatever that you think it's good for you, okay?" Aahana nodded her head, but she noticed that Kait was hesitant for some reason. She asked,"Kait, you wanna tell me something else?" Kait bit her lips and thought if she would tell or not, but looked at Aahana looking at her, then breathed out and said her thought aloud, " Look Aahana, it sounds mean of me but I'm worried about you, that's why I'm gonna tell you this." Aahana looked Kait intently. Kait continued, "I don't know about Nick very much, but what I know is that he is a playboy, that kiss maybe nothing for him." Listening this statement Aahana's face was gloomed, she felt a pang in her heart. She had no idea why she felt that way, but there was an ache in her heart. Kait looked Aahana's gloomy face and immediately said, " I didn't tell it was nothing. It's just.......Look, you told me how devastating he was yesterday, so maybe the kiss maybe a spur of the moment. I know it sounds rude, but it was your first time that anyone kiss you. So, I don't want you to have high hopes or think it is 'love'.. just you kissed a guy. Are you getting my point?"

Aahana was listening enough. she couldn't take it anymore. She already finished her breakfast, so she got up from her chair and went to pick her bag and essentials for the day. Kait looked at Aahana and felt stupid to say much more. "Shit!!! Shut your foul mouth once. She's already tensed and here I am giving her more tension. What a best friend I am!!", Kait blamed herself. Aahana noticed this and said, "You don't have to blame yourself, Kait. I know what you mean. Maybe you're right. But just forget it. I need some time to adjust. Ok, bye. Good day." And she left for office. 

         On the way to the office, Aahana was thinking the conversation with Kait. The thing that kiss was might be nothing much to Nick... this certain thought stabbed her heart more than anything. She had no idea why though. She already reached at her cubicle, so she kept this thought aside forcefully and concentrated towards her work. She just started her work and someone from reception told her that Mr. Mathhew wanted to meet with her. She felt her nervousness was taking cover. She thought that she could avoid Nick until she was clear with her own feelings, but looked like it wouldn't be happen. She calmed down her nerves and walked towards the Nick's office and knocked on the door. "Come in", the answer came. She didn't concentrated on the voice; if she did then she would know that was not Nick's voice, rather it was his father's voice. So when she opened the door, she was surprised to see Mr. Mathhew but at the same time she was disappointed to not see Nick. 

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