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A honey brown oval face with sleepy red eyes in his white tee appeared on the screen. Unruly natural black hair kept falling on his eyes; So the person on the screen ran his fingers through his hair before putting a couple of Bobby pins to secure the hair behind his ears, from where the length of his hair was peeking. Now the hair was gone, his wide forehead was on the show. Despite having patches of dark circles under his eyes, the catlike brown orbs were sparkling in the dim night lamp, hinting not only knowledge and wisdom, but also some type of mischief. Five o'clock shadow grew on his rather clean shaven face which give the person a bit older look rather than his age.

"It's 2 in the night, Mistu. I have only slept like 30 minutes ago after finishing my project and your call woke me up. Can't you wait for the morning?" The deep sleepy voice spoke out. Annoyance was written all over his face, but still there was some kind of brotherly love and fondness. 

"Dabhai!! We are talking after so long and the first thing you're doing is scolding me. By the way, I would never disturb your precious sleep if it isn't important. You know me." Aahana huffed, crossing her arms across the chest. The sweet little sister came out from the mature strong woman and whined at her elder brother with a cute pout. 

Kait was looking both ways and being amused at their conversation which were in their mother tongue, Bengali. Since Kait already learnt the basics from Aahana, she did caught the gist of the conversation. Her eyes caught a faint smile on the handsome person, which gradually grew into a big beautiful smile, where his pink gums were visible and his eyes were closed.  

Aahana was going to complain her brother, when she heard a faint sharp breath beside her. She glanced at her roommate and shocked at her expression. Kait was looked like a statue as she was stop breathing and just staring, mouth agape at her brother without a blink. Aahana smiled a mischievous smile before turning her phone towards her slightly, so the front camera was focused more on Kait rather than Aahana. Kait as usual didn't notice anything, since she was busy admiring the person on the phone. On the other side, her brother stopped his smile and looked at the new face on the screen.

"Hi? You are?" He asked in his deep voice.

Kait raised her eyebrows as she first thought whom he was asking to, then she saw his frown showing confusion and judgement, only then she noticed the camera was focusing on her and the question was asked to her. She was embarrassed at this unexpected situation and stuttered. 

"I-I-I a-am...."

Suddenly a loud laughter came beside her and she glared at that direction. Aahana never saw her talkative roommate being stuttered, so the whole situation was funny to her. Nevertheless she came to rescue her best friend.

"She is my roommate and best friend, Kait." Aahana also came into the camera frame and introduced her roommate. Kait sighed in relief as she was saved from embarrassment and smiled broadly at him in response; But the smile dropped as soon as she heard the response from him.

"Don't you know how to introduce yourself? Or are you Americans feel humiliated to talk with us Brown people?" He snorted.

"Dabhai! That's extremely rude. How can yo-" Aahana was going to fight with her brother, but Kait stopped her. She looked at the camera and smiled sweetly before answering.

"First and foremost, nope, I'm not a racist. If I was, your sister won't live with me, befriended with me and maybe we won't be talking right now. So no. And for your question about my stuttering, I was star-struck by your beauty. You're really handsome." She gave a flirty little smile.

Aahana bit her lips to control her smile, because she knew that her brother's ears were probably reddened now. Her intuition was confirmed as he touched the tip of his ear to cool down and slightly stuttered.

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