Chapter Eighty-Two - Mad World (Sketo)

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Hey guyzzzzz! :3 I'm back with chapter eighty-two! ^_^ This was requested by Derpy_Cake and the plot-type-thing was requested by RuskaC :3 So this is gonna be sad :P The song is "Mad World" by Gary Jules because I like this song (\(~.~)/) Enjoy!


All around me are familiar faces

Sky let out a shaky breathy and forced his eyes to look away from his hands resting in his lap. He looked around the room filled with black suits and veils.

Worn out places, worn out faces

Everyone looked so stony and emotionless, even the ones with tears flowing down their frowning faces.

Bright and early for their daily races

Sky bit his lip and jerked his head back to its original position, eyes focusing on his nervously jittering hands.

Going nowhere, going nowhere

He felt his eyes begin to mist with tears and he had to bite his lower lip tightly to keep himself from sobbing.

Their tears are filling up their glasses

A hand clasped on to Sky's left shoulder, causing him to tense. The owner of the hand sat down in the seat beside him, causing the old chair to groan at the pressure.

No expression, no expression

"You holding up okay?" The familiar low, slightly-accented voice questioned, giving Sky's shoulder a squeeze.

Sky let out a shaky breath, squeezing his eyes shut. He wasn't okay. He was nothing near being okay. But, still, he forced himself to give a small nod.

Hide my head, I wanna drown my sorrow

The man beside him let out a tired sigh and let his hand drop from Sky's shoulder.

No tomorrow, no tomorrow

A loud, feminine sob came from a few rows behind them and Sky flinched at the sound.

And I find it kinda funny

He bit his lip, tears pricking at his eyes once again.

I find it kinda sad

"Sky," the man beside him spoke again, "It's okay to cry, ya know? No one would judge you or anything."

The dreams in which I'm dying

Sky shook his head and tried to swallow the lump in his throat. He opened his mouth to speak. "I'm okay," he tried to say, but all that left his mouth was a whimper.

Are the best I've ever had

The man beside him sighed deeply before reaching over and wrapping an arm around the brunette, pulling him to his chest, making him tense up again. "It's okay to cry, Sky. Honestly, it's a lot more painful to see you try to keep it all in when we know you want to cry than it would be to see you crying." His accent became thicker and thicker with every word he spoke.

I find it hard to tell you

Sky's lower lip began to tremble and he felt his body began to shake as he tried to contain his composure. It didn't work, though. The dam holding in all of his pain broke and he let out a loud sob and tears began racing down his cheeks.

I find it hard to take

The man holding him hugged him closer, causing Sky's face to become buried into his chest.

When people run in circles

Sky sobbed into his chest, fists balling around the fabric of suit.

It's a very, very mad world, mad world

Sky didn't deserve to cry, though. He didn't deserve to feel the relief crying gave him. He deserved to feel in pain. That's all he deserved.

Children waiting for the day they feel good

"It's okay, Sky. It's okay." The accented voice whispered comfortingly as he rubbed circles into the brunettes back.

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday

Sky just sobbed harder.

And I feel the way that every child should

It wasn't okay. Nothing was okay. This should not have been happening. None of it should have happened. Not this funeral. Not Sky's violent sobbing. Not all this sadness. Not Seto's death. None of it.

Sit and listen, sit and listen

"It's okay, Sky." The comforting voice whispered again, hugging him tighter.

Went to school and I was very nervous

Sky's whole body was trembling now. He was shaking like a leaf in the wind.

No one knew me, no one knew me

"It... It hurts... It hurts... so much, Brice." Sky forced out between sobs.

Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson

"I know. I know it does." The low voice whispered back.

Look right through me, look right through me

Sky's heart was beating so face and he could barely breathe through his sobbing. He was shaking so much. He felt like an earthquake embodied as a person.

And I find it kinda funny

"I-I... I want it... to all go... back to normal." Sky whimpered out before being overcome by sobs once again.

I find it kinda sad

"I know you do, Sky," Brice whispered, running his fingers through Sky's hair gently. "We all do."

The dreams in which I'm dying

"Why-why did... this ha-have... to happen?"

Are the best I've ever had

The accented man sighed heavily, hugging Sky tighter in an attempt at calming his shaking form. "I don't know, Sky. I'm so sorry, though."

I find it hard to tell you

Sky whimpered again and buried his face into Brice's chest, clutching at him.

I find it hard to take

"I... I-I just... I just want... him back." Sky whispered, his body still trembling violently as he tried to calm his breathing.

When people run in circles

"I know you do." Brice whispered. "I do too."

It's a very, very mad world, mad world

Finally, Sky stopped sobbing, but tears still trickled down his cheeks and his body still trembled against Brice.

Enlarging your world

"You'll be okay, Sky."

Sky merely whimpered in response.

Mad world


I just depressed myself writing that :< That's never happened before... DAMN YOU GARY JULES AND YOUR DEPRESSING SONGS. I LOVE YOU. I'm actually shaking right now... SOMEONE HELP ME. I NEED A HUG. IMMA GO CRY IN A CORNER. THANKS FOR READING! BYE

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